Maya Tells a story about Marshall and when he was a baby
(Next day Maya was with Phinny Bailey Grandma Dee Harry and Marshall doing inspection around the Lookout)
Marshall; all clean and organizing
Harry; sure hope we need to do a mission soon
Grandma Dee; i hope we can get to be in the mission too
(Went back inside)
Roxy; i wonder what was life like when Marshall was a Baby
Luna; Yeah
Tank; and why does Phinny's Cousin loves firefighters
Roxy's Mom; i wish Maya would tell us a story
Roxy's Dad; Yeah
Luna's Mom; I wonder how he escape the fire
Luna's Dad; yeah
Tank's Mom; Maya would you like to tell Marshall's story with us?
Tank's dad; Yeah
Luna; Maya would you like to tell Marshall's story with us?
Maya; Well *Looks at Ryder*
Ryder; Go ahead
Maya; ok i will tell you my Nephew's life from where he was born until the war started
(Flashbacks starts where in Adventure Bay look like 6 years ago on June 7 where Marshall's Mom is about to give birth to Marshall where Maya,Harry and Grandma Dee are waiting in Living room and Phinny is playing with toy blocks finally Marshall's dad came out the room)
Marshall's Dad; Congratulation come meet your Nephew Maya Harry and your new Grandson Grandma Dee and your cousin Phinny
(Marshall's Father leads them to the room where Marshall's Mom is relaxing on the pillow)
Marshall's Dad; Hey sweetie how is newborn Puppy?
Marshall's Mom; Good
Maya; *Gasps* He's perfect
Harry; Yes he is
Grandma Dee; so beautiful
Marshall's Dad; his name is Marshall
Maya; Awww Cute
Harry; Marshall is a perfect name
Grandma Dee; Yeah
Phinny; Ooooooh
( 10 Months later Maya, Marshall's Mom, Marshall's Dad trying to make Marshall Walk while Grandma Dee is playing with Phinny )
Maya; come on Marshy i have a treat 
Marshall's Mom; almost there
Marshall's dad; Walk to your Aunt Marshall
(By the help Marshall's Dad let go Marshall and baby Marshall finally walking)
Marshall's Mom; He's walking *Exciting Barks*
Maya; My Nephew first steps *Picks him up and hugs him tightly while having happy tears*
Marshall's Dad; great work son
Marshall's Mom; My baby boy *Hugs him tightly *
(Grandma Dee arrives)
Grandma Dee; This is amazing my Grandson first step *Pick him up and hug him tightly*
(Marshall turns 1)
Maya; Happy birthday Marshall
Marshall's Mom; Here your present
(Marshall's Mom gives him a Fire trucks ladder pattern onesies)
Marshall's Dad; and here is your Baby blanket
(Marshall's Dad gives him a Firetruck ladders baby blanket )
Grandma Dee; here your teddy bear
Maya; And here your Firefighter puppy coloring book
Harry; Here is your stuff Polar Bear plushie
( a day later Maya was washing dishes while Harry was taking a nap Marshall's Mom was jogging around the neighborhood Marshall's dad was about to arrived home from his work at the Fire Station Grandma Dee is playing with Phinny Outside while Baby Marshall was in his play pen)
Grandma Dee; Good work Phinny and ready? Fetch (Throws a Tennis Ball)
(Marshall's Mom finish jogging around the neighborhood)
Marshall's Mom; 10 mins jogging is now complete
Grandma Dee; let's go back inside
Marshall Mom; *Annoyed* mom please don't worry about it
Phinny; Aunt Maria *Hugs his Aunt*
Marshall's Mom; Glad to see you too
(Marshall's father arrived home)
Phinny; Uncle Pete
(Phinny hugs his Uncle)
Marshall's Dad; nice to see you too
Marshall's Mom; welcome home Honey *Kisses her husband*
(Went inside where Harry is checking on Baby Marshall)
Marshall's Dad; good thing time i need to wait until i need to go back to the station
Marshall's Mom; Yeah
Maya; Hey sis how is your jog?
Marshall Mom; Good
Baby Marshall; Mama
Marshall's Mom; *Gasps* Mama do you guys hear that?
Baby Marshall; Mama
Marshall's Dad; My boy first words
Baby Marshall; Mom?
Grandma Dee; I can't believe it
Maya; *Tearing Up* My little Nephew first words
(Marshall's mom Picks up Marshall hugs him while happy tears)
Marshall's Mom; My little boy growing up
Maya; Yeah
(On June 14th is a normal day Maya was giving Marshall some Baby Puppy food while Harry is helping with his Partner Grandpa Gravel and Maya's Sister is doing Doggy Yoga video while her husband is at the Fire station Grandma Dee is playing with Phinny)
Maya; good boy Marshy
Marshall's Mom; Now Tree pose *Doing a Tree pose*
(At the fire station)
Marshall's Dad; Last fire rescue is over *Fire alert* Oh no
Fire Captain; Attention, Fire is getting close to town i repeat Fire is getting close to town
Marshall's dad; Oh dear
Firefighter; I can't believe that fire captain is actually Wheeler's Grandpa
Marshall's dad; Yeah *As he get in the fire engine*
(3 fire engines arrived at the forest fire)
Marshall's dad; this is not good
Fire Captain; Not good i repeat not good
(Meanwhile at Home Maya is giving Marshall a bubble Bath)
Maya; You are now all scrub up Marshy
Marshall; Bath time is the best
Marshall's Mom; Now lunge *As she does it* and back *As she does it*
Harry; Ok so we can do this next week?
Grandpa gravel; Yes i can give you some ideas and foods for deliveries
Harry; ok
*Knocking on the door*
Maya; Hello?
Marshall's dad; We got to get out the town is now on fire
Harry; Fire?
Grandpa Gravel; Fire?
Marshall's Mom; Fire?
Grandma Dee; ok let's evacuate the town
Harry; ok Grandpa Gravel *he not there* Grandpa Gravel?
Grandpa Gravel; *While running* you're on your own buddy
(They rush to the airport and they went on the plane)
Maya; Ok we look like we did it
Grandma Dee; hope we can make it back to Petsburg
Phinny; Mama
(The plane was hit by the fire )
Pilot; Attention all passengers you need to parachute off the plane now
(After all passengers parachute off the plane while Maya is giving Marshall a hug)
Grandma Dee; ok time to leave
Maya; ok
Pilot; Jump off now
(After Marshall parents ready to jump)
Marshall dad; Let's go
Marshall Mom; Say goodbye to your Aunt Marshall
Maya; I'm gonna miss you Marshy
(My heart will go on starts playing as Marshall begins to cry and look at Maya with bright blue eyes and Maya begins to tears up)
Maya; *Crying* I can't say goodbye to you
(Maya hugs Marshall tightly and crying on him and camera pans over to baby Phinny where he is crying onto his mother back and jump off then once Maya, Harry, Grandma Dee and Phinny once landing they heard 3 loud explosions)
Maya; Marshall *Sobbing*
Harry; No Marshall *Sobbing*
Grandma Dee; let's get out of here
Phinny; mama
(the Flashback Ends into the present)
Phinny; wow
Roxy; i never knew that
Luna; Yeah
Tank; so scary
Roxy's Mom; so amazing
Roxy's Dad; Yeah
Luna's Mom; I can't believe you need to be separate
Luna's Dad; Yeah
Tank's Mom; and Grandpa Gravel run off like that
Tank's Dad; I hope he not hiding something
Luna; Yeah
Tank; so scary
Harry; I should've know that Grandpa Gravel may have hidden something
Grandma Dee; we should just leave Adventure Bay a day before
Roxy; Wait how did you leave the fire Marshall?
Marshall; Well,,,
(Flashback again where the loud 3 explosion take place)
Marshall's Mom; Leave son
Marshall's Dad; it's ok
Marshall; Bye Mommy Daddy
(Marshall ran for his dear life until he out of breath then he saw Ryder talking to the fire captain then Ryder spotted him and bring him home to Adventure Bay and Flashback ends)
Marshall; That what happen
Chase; wow
Rocky; we never knew that
Zuma; Yeah
Skye; so amazing
Rubble; I wonder why my Grandpa run away from Harry when the fire occurs
Ryder; Good story Maya
Maya; Thanks Ryder
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