Police Chief Abi now declares MER team now Japanese Heroes but they have to go over to Barkingburg to say their last final goodbye to Claw who is diagnosed with Pneumonia
(Scene takes place at the Tokyo City Hall)
Police Chief Abi; I am here to say that now MER Crew are officially Japanese Heroes great work guys
Nick; thanks
Shawn; I hope we can make our right decision now
Wheeler; boy I sure hope Claw is going to be alive the time we get there
Tank; Yeah
Smoky; we did it
Carter; yeah
Tank; we did it
Police Chief Abi; And now I want to say great work and we did great work along with the kids and adults who are part of it. We want to say that Barkingburg's Police Chief Colonial Claw Pinscher Rottweiler Sr is mostly going to die during the night with pneumonia with the high risk with high fever and diarrhea and we are this close to find out. Also good work with Pupstruction Crew PAW Patrol Crew and Rubble and Crew great work guys
(All audiences and Cheers)
Nick; now I guess we can go to Barkingburg
(After they all got their reward they quickly rush to Barkingburg Castle to see Claw)
Roxy; Claw please wake up
Claw; *Breathless* R-R-Roxy
Roxy; Hey Claw
Nick; hey buddy
Shawn; how are you feeling?
Claw; *Coughs* Worse
Ember; I hope you can live longer
Boulder; yeah
Tank; I want to say great work
Wheeler; and us too
Smoky; yeah
Nick Jr; we hope you are going to survive the night
Smoky; yeah
Tyler; I agree
Carter; I hope he is not going to die
Roxy; Here Roxy *Grabs something* This wristband was giving from you to help our PAW Construction Crew
Claw; thanks Roxy
(Around 6 pm)
Roxy; Claw please respond
Claw; Roxy please leave me I will only going to remember you
Nick; please sir stay alive
(Around 6;01 pm)
Claw; *Screaming in pain and tossing* my Lungs
Roxy; please Claw remain calm
(Around 7;18 pm)
Shawn; Hey Claw you want to go bathroom?
Claw; yeah
Roxy; ok Claw let's go *Helps him to get up and went to the bathroom*
Claw; thanks Roxy
(After Claw went bathroom he went back to bed)
Claw; goodnight everybody
All; goodnight
(Around 12;22 am Claw was awake and looks at Roxy )
Roxy; Claw what's wrong?
Claw; I have terrible headache
Roxy; I can give you cold water *Went to the kitchen and use the wet rag and brings up to Claw* here you go
Claw; thanks cousin *Went back to sleep*
(Around 1;29 am everybody was up as Claw tossing and twitching and crying)
Roxy; Claw it's ok
Shawn; please Claw relax
Claw; I am sorry
Nick; please sir do not die
Tank; your heart rate has gone to 5%
Roxy; *Teary Voice* Please do not go Claw
Claw; I want to say one thing
Nick; what is it?
Claw; Thank you guys for this thanks for all of you of PAW Construction Crew MER; Mobile Emergency Room I am very happy and Roxy
Roxy; yeah?
Claw; I hope you can help with your friends goodbye *He closes his eyes and dies at 1;31 am*
(Everybody crying when Claw now dead at the Barkingburg National Cathedral Claw's Casket was carry by several Funeral Service with Barkingburg's flag on top of it and march to the podium where they put down Claw's Casket about 1.000 attend the Funeral)
Priest; And Claw have been a loyalist Police Chief he is the 12 Police Chief and he has been very smart
(Every Mobile Emergency Room members went on stage say some words then they take the casket on the Horse carriage and drove it to the town so people can pay their respect to Claw and arrived at the Castle where Military Troops and people pay their respect while "God Save our Royalist Princess" is playing and keep it there overnight before taken to the Rottweiler Plot for lay to rest where a Tomb saying Colonial Barry Pinscher Rottweiler and his wife Mary Claw have been buried in the middle)
Tank; long live Claw
Roxy; good bye Claw I will miss you *Sobbing*
Shawn; what a great guy
Nick; he is very loyalist
Tank; he was
Wheeler; Rest In Peace Claw
Roxy; Goodbye Cousin
Previous Episode[]
PAW Construction Crew MER; Japanese Earthquake:
Next Episode[]
PAW Construction Crew MER; Mobile Emergency Room: The Fate of Danger