PAW Patrol Fanon Wiki

Warning: This story contains violence. If this isn't your thing, exit IMMEDIATELY.


PAW Patrol: Starlight Voyagers is a 2025 adventure story created by MightyNoah. It serves as the beginning of the World Domination Arc.

In this story, after a superpowered villain named Anthrax plots to destroy Adventure City, Ryder creates a sub-group called the Starlight Voyagers. When a pup named Brutus escapes from Anthrax, he and the new sub-group must do everything it takes to stop him.


((sounds of fire burning in the background))

(A black screen slowly fades into a destroyed city. There are multiple buildings on fire, and a bunch of creatures roaming around hunting people down)

MightyNoah Presents…

(We see a small pup running, trying to get away from all of the chaos)

A PAW Patrol Story…

(The pup trips over a fallen lamp post and hurts himself)

Pup: (winces)

(A creature then finds the pup and grabs him)

Pup: H-hey! Let me go! (groans)

(The pup tries to escape the creature’s grasp, but to no avail)

Pup: Please! I don’t want to die!

(The creature then carries him to a large ship and throws him inside)

Pup: Huh? Where are you taking me?!

(He looks behind and sees a person wearing a skull mask. The pup looks frightened as the person walks towards him)

Person: What’s your name, little one?

Brutus: …Br…Brutus.

Anthrax: Yeah, you look like a Brutus. I’m Anthrax. You’ll be with me from now on.

Brutus: What? What did you do with my family?!

Anthrax: I can’t tell you. Just know that they’re somewhere…where they won’t have to worry anymore.

(Brutus ponders for a bit, and then comes to the conclusion)

Brutus: you…. I’M GONNA KILL YOU!

(Brutus tries to punch Anthrax in the face, but he grabs his paw and drags him to the cockpit. Once there, he places Brutus in the passenger seat and straps him up)

Anthrax: I tried to reason with you, Little Brutus. Now you’ll have to watch as your city gets destroyed.

Brutus: Wha…no! Let me out of here!

(As the ship takes off, we get one last look at the city before it explodes. Brutus lets out a gasp as he watched his home get destroyed in front of him)

Anthrax: It’s just business buddy, nothing personal. You’re lucky we saved you.

(Anthrax walks off as he leaves Brutus in the seat)

Brutus: I…can’t believe you….(starts to cry)

(As the ship heads to Adventure Bay, Brutus is now left with a long lasting scar that will more than likely never heal)

PAW Patrol

Starlight Voyagers

3 Years Later In Adventure City

(Outside the Aircraft Carrier HQ, Noah and Nebula are doing some stretches outside)

Noah: Before every mission, you wanna get some stretches in just to make sure you don’t feel uncomfortable during certain moments.

Nebula: Yeah, I can see why.

Noah: Now, moving on.

(Noah gets into a cobra stretch, and Nebula copies him)

Noah: This stretch can really help your back and spine.

Nebula: Wow, you know so much! If it were up to me, I would’ve never done these. But thanks to you, I feel… relieved.

Noah: I’m glad I could help.

(Crystalline then walks outside)

Crystalline: Hey guys, Ryder wants to show us something.

Noah: Alright, that’s enough stretches for today. We’ll continue tomorrow.

Nebula: Got it.

(Noah and Nebula head inside with Crystalline, where they see Ryder)

Noah: Hey Ryder, you wanted to show us something?

Ryder: Yeah, I’m planning on creating a subgroup to the PAW Patrol.

Nebula: Really? What’s it gonna be?

Ryder: Introducing…

(Ryder pulls up a hologram of the Starlight Voyagers logo)

Ryder: The Starlight Voyagers!

Noah: Cool! So, how are they gonna differ from us?

Ryder: After our last fight in a different universe, I decided to create a subgroup that’ll travel across the galaxy to protect it. Because, we kind of have to stay within Adventure Bay and Adventure City.

Nebula: So if there’s trouble in space, they’ll travel there for us?

Ryder: Exactly. So I’m planning on recruiting four pups to be our Starlight Voyagers. I already got three out of the four: Tracy, Hugo and Blade.

Crystalline: Do you have an idea for the fourth member?

Ryder: Not as yet. I’ll have to think about that.

(The alarm goes off)

Ryder: Looks like someone needs our help!

(Ryder and the pups run off to the emergency)

Later, In Space

(We see a large lair on the moon, with a bunch of guards outside. Inside, Anthrax walks inside a room, where there is nothing but a table with straps on it)

Anthrax: (sighs) Y’know, sometimes I regret the things I do.

(He takes off his mask, which reveals his scarred robotic eye)

Anthrax: Bring him in!

(The door opens, and a creature brings in an older Brutus and places him on the table)

Anthrax: Do you know why you’re here?

Brutus: No, you tell me.

Anthrax: You’re here, to become my sidekick.

Brutus: Who said I ever wanted to be your sidekick in the first place?

Anthrax: You didn’t have a choice. Don’t forget who saved you.

Brutus: Saved me?! The only thing you did was kill my family, kidnap me and destroyed my home! There was no saving in that moment!

Anthrax: Yet here you are, still breathing and in my presence.

(Anthrax straps Brutus to the table)

Anthrax: When I die, you will carry on my legacy. And to do that, you need…something new.

Brutus: Wh…what do you mean by that?

Anthrax: (robotic eye glows) This is what I mean.

Brutus: No. You can’t possibly-

(Before he can finish the sentence, Anthrax sticks him with a needle to put him to sleep)

Anthrax: Shhh. This won’t hurt a bit.

(As Anthrax begins the procedure, we get a zoomed out shot of the lair)

1 Hour Later

(Anthrax finishes the procedure and puts his mask back on)

Anthrax: Alright, time to wake him up.

(Anthrax places his hand on Brutus’ head, and he suddenly wakes up)

Brutus: (gasps for air) What just happened?! Why can I only see half?!

Anthrax: You’re alright.

(Anthrax unstraps Brutus and gives him a mirror)

Anthrax: Now the transformation is complete.


Anthrax: You’re one of me now.


Anthrax: Like I said, you didn’t have a choice, so get used to it.

(Brutus, who is hyperventilating, suddenly super punches Anthrax into a wall, which leaves his paw glowing)

Brutus: (breathing heavily and sniffs) You never saved me to begin with.

(Brutus runs and punches down doors to escape)

Anthrax: (groans and gets up) You’re not getting away from me!

(When Brutus finally reaches outside, he makes a large leap and falls down to Earth)

Anthrax: NO!

(He watches as Brutus continues to fall)

Anthrax: Creatures, head down there and BRING HIM BACK TO ME!

(Some of the creatures start to jump off the moon to follow Brutus. As Brutus continues to fall, he starts to lose consciousness due to the high speed he is traveling at. When he finally reaches Earth, he lands in the ocean close to a beach)


(As Ryder, Noah, Crystalline and Nebula head back to the HQ after their mission, they get another call)

Ryder: Ryder speaking

Person: Ryder! There’s a bunch of… weird looking skeletons on the beach! You have to get here quick!

Ryder: We’re on our way!

(Ryder hangs up)

Nebula: What is it?

Ryder: We have to go to the beach. Some citizens are in danger!

(Ryder and the three pups make a U-turn and head for the beach)

Ryder: (to himself) Weird looking skeletons? What could that be?

(When they arrive on the beach, they encounter the weird looking skeletons holding some of the citizens hostage)

Crystalline: This isn’t good!

Noah: Not at all!

(Noah hops out of his vehicle and aims his exoskeleton paw at the skeletons)

Noah: Alright! I’ll give you five seconds to let these people go, or face the consequences!

(The skeletons growl at Noah as they seem to get more aggressive)

Noah: (in his mind) You know what? Forget the five seconds. Citizens, brace yourselves.

(While in slow motion, Noah shoots carefully aimed shots of lightning at the skeletons, which hits each of them)

Noah: Alright, we’ll take it from here!

(The citizens escape while they still can, and Noah walks towards one of the skeletons)

Ryder: That was amazing, Noah!

Noah: Yeah, but it was kind of dangerous.

(As Noah gets a closer look at the skeletons, it suddenly gets up)

Noah: Okay, it’s not dead!

(Before the skeleton could do anything, a pup wearing a hood hops out of the water and takes the skeleton down)

Pup: Get out of here!

Noah: What?


(Noah and the rest of the PAW Patrol take off, as the pup looks at the rest of the skeletons)

Pup: Alright.

(The pup takes off his hood and reveals himself to be Brutus)

Brutus: It’s time to make you pay.

(One by one, Brutus takes down the skeletons with his new powers. He does flips over them and super punches them with ease)

Brutus: (breathing heavily) ANTHRAX!!!

(Brutus falls down to the sand, looking distraught after what Anthrax did to his eye)

Brutus: You…will…pay.

(All of a sudden, a bunch of police arrive on the beach and surrounded the pup)

Police: Freeze! We have you surrounded!

(Brutus, with nowhere else to go, surrenders to the police)

At The Aircraft Carrier HQ

(Ryder, Noah, Crystalline, Nebula, Tracy, Hugo and Blade are sitting around a table, discussing what happened earlier)

Ryder: Who was that?

Noah: It was another pup, but I couldn’t get a good look at his face.

Crystalline: Well, it looked like he knew what he was doing.

Nebula: But he hopped out of the ocean! We can’t tell if he’s good or bad!

(A hologram then pops up of a news report, which reads:

Hugo: Pup arrested on the beach after suspicious activity?

Tracy: That might’ve been the pup you were talking about, Noah!

Noah: He’s in jail though. I can’t just walk in there and bail him out.

Ryder: I’ll head to the prison. I know the commissioner well, so he’ll be able to let me talk to him.

Later, in Space

(At Anthrax’s lair, he’s throwing objects around as he paces around a room)

Anthrax: I gave that pup a home! A new sense of meaning! And what do I get in return?!

(He throws a chair on the ground, breaking it)

Anthrax: A PUNCH IN THE FACE!!! He…will regret ever doing that to me. Whatever organization he’s working with now, I’ll kill them, and him.

(Anthrax takes his mask off)

Anthrax: Cause no matter what he does to me, I’ll always…come back!

Later, in the Prison

(Ryder finishes talking to the Commissioner about the pup)

Commissioner: Okay, you wanna take the elevator and head to the last floor at the bottom.

(Ryder enters the elevator and it starts to head down. When he reaches the bottom and the doors open, he sees a singular cell ahead of him in a dark room with flickering lights. He heads towards it)

Ryder: This better be quick and easy.

(He knocks on the cell door)

Brutus: What do you want?

Ryder: The commissioner asked me to let you out of here.

(As Brutus walks towards the bars out of the shadows, he sees Ryder)

Brutus: This better be good.

(As the light continues to flicker, We see Ryder set up a table and two chairs, and they sit down)

Ryder: So tell me, who are you and what’s on your mind.

Brutus: Name’s Brutus. I’m one of the last of my kind. I promised my family that they would be avenged, and I won’t stop until I make that happen.

Ryder: What happened to your family?

Brutus: It’s too gruesome to go into detail. I’d rather not speak on it.

(The pup takes off his hood and shows Ryder that he has two different eyes: one normal and a robotic replacement)

Brutus: But I can show you this.

Ryder: Fascinating.

Brutus: It’s not. I was forced into getting this. Sometimes, it speaks to me, almost like a curse.

Ryder: How did you even get that?

Brutus: A guy named Anthrax did this to me. And I won’t stop until I end him.

Ryder: Well then, (pulls out a paper with the Starlight Voyagers logo on it) I have a proposition for you.

(He shows him the paper)

Brutus: Starlight Voyagers?

Ryder: Exactly. My name is Ryder, and I’m apart of the PAW Patrol, a group of heroes. This is a subgroup to that.

Brutus: So, what’s the difference?

Ryder: The Starlight Voyagers travel across different worlds, fighting off danger. I want to make you apart of it.

Brutus: Different worlds, huh? If it means getting to Anthrax, then I’m in.

Ryder: Hmm. Are you sure you’re up for this?

Brutus: I’m ready for anything that comes my way.

Ryder: Okay then, prove it.

(Ryder transforms into his super suit)

Brutus: Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

(The pup backflips out of the chair and his paws glow red)

Ryder: Let’s see what you’ve got, Brutus.

(Ryder and Brutus then charge at each other and Brutus immediately takes Ryder down with one paw)

Brutus: I guess I’m a Starlight Voyager now, huh?

Ryder: (groans) Yep! Dang, you’re strong!

In The Aircraft Carrier HQ

(We see Nebula sitting in her room with Crystalline)

Crystalline: You’re becoming stronger, Nebula. As you grow older, these missions are gonna become more risky.

Nebula: I know that. I mean, I’ve seen it first hand, with Tyrone. I still have nightmares about it.

Crystalline: You took him down by yourself. That’s something I couldn’t even do!

Nebula: Did you…believe I could do it?

Crystalline: I’ve always believed in you, ever since you came out of that crystal. You just have to believe in yourself.

Nebula: I always believed in myself. (looks at her leg scar) It’s just that sometimes I get hurt in the process.

Crystalline: One thing I’ve learned is that whenever you get hurt, you have to make sure you can still fight. That scar is just a sign that you were able to keep fighting.

Nebula: I can kind of see where you’re coming from.

(Noah then enters the room)

Noah: Hey guys, Ryder’s back.

(We cut to outside, where Ryder, Noah, Crystalline, Nebula, Tracy, Hugo and Blade are)

Ryder: So, I was able to reasonably with the Commissioner to get the pup out of jail. I want you to meet…

(Brutus suddenly front flips over Ryder and lands in front of him)

Ryder: Brutus.

Crystalline: Woah!

Brutus: Nice to meet you all.

Noah: Y’know, I didn’t get to properly introduce myself since you ran us off the beach. (walks up to Brutus) I’m Noah.

Brutus: Nice to meet you too, Noah. Sorry about that. It was something…personal I was dealing with.

Noah: It’s all good. (notices his eye) What happened to your eye?

Brutus: It’s a lot to explain.

(Nebula then walks up to Brutus, looking in awe)

Nebula: I’ve never seen a black Samoyed before!

Brutus: Neither a Rottsky. Truly fascinating.

Blade: So, you’re the new Starlight Voyager?

Brutus: That’s right. Although I might need some time adjusting here.

(A faint loud horn blasts from the moon)

Blade: What was that?

Brutus: Anthrax.

Crystalline: Anthrax?

Brutus: You all have to go inside, now.

Ryder: Why?

(Anthrax suddenly lands on the Aircraft Carrier HQ)

Anthrax: Greetings, friends.


Anthrax: Brutus did the same thing.

Brutus: But it was justified!

Noah: I’m guessing this is Anthrax?

Anthrax: Correct. It appears you have something that belongs to me, so I’ll be taking him ba-

(Brutus suddenly kicks Anthrax to the ground)

Brutus: GO! NOW!

(Ryder and the pups run inside)

Anthrax: (groans) So we’re really gonna do this the hard way, huh?

(Brutus grabs Anthrax)

Brutus: I never liked you, ever since the day you took my family from me. No matter how hard you try, you can’t make me into your personal puppe-

(Brutus feels something stab him, then he sees Anthrax’s hand turn into a blade)

Brutus: (groans)

Anthrax: I told you a thousand times already. You didn’t. have… a choice.

Brutus: (coughs) You don’t (winces) get to tell me…whether I have choices or not!

(Brutus head butts Anthrax, which manages to get the blade out of him)

Brutus: (groans) Ow! And you…may not have noticed, but I’m a Starlight Voyager.

Anthrax: What?!

(Brutus runs up to Anthrax and super punches him back into space)


(Ryder and the pups run back outside to see what happened)

Ryder: What happened? Are you alright?!

Brutus: I’m fine, just a little stab wound.

Noah: Where did Anthrax go?

Brutus: I sent him back to space. He shouldn’t be a problem for a while.

Blade: Hold on, what do you mean “for a while?”

Brutus: He’s gonna try to come back stronger than before. So I suggest that we take the fight to him.

Ryder: Are you sure?

Brutus: Ryder, you made me a Starlight Voyager for a reason. Of course I’m (winces) sure.

Noah: You have to get that wound treated, Brutus.

Brutus: I know, I’m just…..(sighs) a lot’s on my mind right now.

Noah: It’s alright. Come on, let’s get you treated.

(Noah helps Brutus inside)

Nebula: Poor Brutus. It looks like he’s been through a lot.

Crystalline: Judging by his eye, I can confirm that.

In Space

(Anthrax is lying unconscious on the moon, but suddenly, he wakes up)

Anthrax: (groans) What was that? Did he just….no. He couldn’t have.

(Anthrax runs back to his lair. When he gets there, he looks in his drawer of eyes and sees that a specific one is missing)


(Anthrax, filled with rage, punches a hole in the wall)

Anthrax: I gave him the powered eye. The ONLY EYE! which was meant for me.

(Anthrax puts his mask on)

Anthrax: Now, I have to take it back. He wasn’t meant to have powers in the first place.

(Anthrax storms outside and spawns an army of skeletons before him)

Anthrax: I have summoned all of you for one purpose. An apprentice of mine has a specific eye which was ment for me and me only.

(He points towards earth)

Anthrax: We will raid Adventure Bay, find Brutus, and take my eye back! FOR I AM ANTHRAX, THE RULER OF THIS PLANET CALLED SPACE!

(Anthrax and his skeletons run and jump down to earth)

In the Aircraft Carrier HQ

(Noah finishes treating Brutus’ stab wound)

Noah: There. You should be feeling better now.

(Brutus feels the area where he got stabbed)

Brutus: Wow, it’s like…it never even happened! How did you-

Noah: Trust me, I’ve been stabbed multiple times, so healing you was quite easy.

Brutus: Thank you, Noah. I appreciate it.

Noah: It’s what I do…most of the time. So, tell me about yourself.

(Brutus sits down in a chair)

Brutus: Life…was peaceful for a couple of days. It was just me, my parents and my two sisters. Until Anthrax came and screwed everything up.


(We see a shot of the destroyed city again. This time, we see Brutus and his family running from the chaos)

Brutus’ father: There’s a boat up ahead! It’s just a couple more yards away!

(Brutus trips and falls, while his family keeps running, not noticing Brutus not being with them)

Brutus: MOM! DAD!

(Before they can react, his family gets surrounded by skeletons)

Brutus: (voice in background) After I fell, they got surrounded and… you can guess what occurred after that.

(We cut to a couple minutes later, where Brutus is on Anthrax’s ship, watching the destruction of his home)

Brutus: (voice in background) When he kidnapped me, he made me watch as my home got destroyed. My… family, taken from me just like that.

“end flashback”

Brutus: As I grew older, things got even worse. He made me his slave. He kept talking about how I was going to carry on his legacy when he dies. As for the eye, he forced me into getting this, making my vision kind of worse.

Noah: My goodness. I, honestly and truly, feel so bad for you.

Brutus: It’s fine, really. I just… (punches a hole in the wall) need to make him pay!

Noah: You just punched a hole in the wall.

Brutus: I know! (notices) Oh, wow, I didn’t realize I was that strong.

Noah: That’s a good thing, actually.

Brutus: Me punching a hole in the wall?

Noah: No, your strength. Maybe, the reason you’re so strong is because of that eye of yours.

Brutus: Really? I thought I just got this strength randomly. (realizes) Oh no. No no no no no, this isn’t good!

Noah: What’s the matter?

Brutus: This is Anthrax’s special eye! He must’ve given it to me by mistake!

Noah: He must be pissed right now.

Brutus: VERY! He won’t stop until he gets this eye back, even if he has to kill me for it!

Noah: Then we better start preparing.

Brutus: Hold on, Anthrax isn’t like anyone you fought before. Not like I know anyone you fought before, but that’s not the point.

Noah: We recently fought someone named Tyrone, and trust me when I say he tore Adventure Bay apart, literally!

Brutus: He might be able to tear towns apart, but Anthrax has the power to literally destroy cities, with the snap of his fingers, just like he did to mine. Also, he can predict your every move.

Noah: Oh, that’s gonna be tricky to deal with.

Brutus: As I’m speaking now, he’s probably bringing a huge army of his skeletons down to this city. So we have to be smart with this plan.

Noah: How about, we take the fight to him!

Brutus: Like, traveling to space?!

Noah: Exactly! We just need some kind of transportation.

“Cut to a scene with Ryder, Noah and Brutus”

Ryder: So you want to travel to space to fight Anthrax?

Brutus: It would make more sense instead of endangering the people of this city.

Ryder: You have a point. I’ll see if I could get a spaceship.

Brutus: A spaceship?! You could afford a spaceship?!

Ryder: I could. Just ask the people buying our merchandise.

Brutus: You guys have merchandise?

Noah: Apparently.

Brutus: (looks up) Um, you guys might wanna brace for impact.

Ryder: Why? (looks up) Oh….shoot.

(A large meteor is headed towards the Aircraft Carrier HQ)

Noah: What in the ever living-

Nebula: (voice offscreen) Don’t panic! I got this!

(Nebula slides in and creates a forcefield to try and push the meteor back to space)

Nebula: (strains) Almost…there!

(She successfully pushes the meteor into the sky…)

Nebula: (breathing heavily) We’re safe now.

(…but the meteor lands in the ocean, cracks open and releases a large amount of Anthrax’s skeletons)

Nebula: I take it back.

Ryder: Don’t let them get into the city!

(Ryder activates his super suit, and Noah and Nebula run to fight the creatures)

Brutus: Time to see what this eye is capable of.

(Some of the skeletons climb onto the HQ, and Brutus prepares himself)


(Brutus’ paws glow and he jumps in the air)

Brutus: (battle cry)

(He creates a large mallet with his paws and slams it on the ground, which launches the skeletons away)

Brutus: So I can create weapons. Fascinating.

(Some more skeletons start charging at Brutus, but he uses his new mallet to fight them off)


(He throws the mallet in a straight line, which knocks some skeletons back into the ocean)

Ryder: Nice work Brutus, but we’re not done yet.

(Brutus see some more skeletons coming out of the meteor)

Brutus: We have to seal that meteor up somehow.

(Meanwhile in the air, Noah and Nebula, who is hanging onto him, are still fighting off the skeletons)

Noah: Okay Nebula, I’m gonna fling you to the meteor so you could work your magic.

Nebula: Got it!

(Noah grabs Nebula’s paws, spins around and throws her to the meteor. She lands on it and uses her powers to defeat some of the skeletons inside)

Nebula: I got some of them, Noah!

Noah: Great! We still have some more in the ocean, I’ll take care of them.

(Noah dives into the ocean and uses his lasers on the skeletons from inside the water)

Noah: (flies out of the ocean) Now what do we do?

(Brutus arrives at the meteor)

Brutus: Ryder said we have to seal it up.

Nebula: How are we gonna do that though?

Brutus: I recently found out that I can create things with my paws. Maybe, I can create a seal strong enough that’ll prevent more skeletons from spawning and coming out.

Noah: You should give it a try.

Brutus: Okay, but I need you two to push the two pieces together.

(Noah gets in his position, while Nebula creates a forcefield around herself so she could stand on the water)

Brutus: Alright. Ready?

Noah and Nebula: Ready!

Brutus: Push!

(Noah and Nebula push the two halves together, while Brutus creates the seal which connects them together)

Brutus: There we go.

Nebula: We did it!

Noah: So do we leave the meteor in the ocean to eventually sink?

Brutus: I guess so.

(The three pups head back to the Aircraft Carrier HQ, where they see Anthrax holding Ryder hostage)

Brutus: Anthrax?!

Anthrax: The one and only. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Give me the eye, or say bye bye to Ryder.

Noah: You don’t know what you’re doing, Anthrax. You’ll get yourself killed.

Anthrax: Is that so?

(Noah suddenly gets launched into a wall, but it didn’t look like anything hit him)

Brutus: Noah!

Nebula: What just happened?!

(Suddenly, Nebula gets launch into the ocean, which again, looks like nothing hit her)

Brutus: NEBULA!

(Brutus tries to dive into the ocean for her, but is air grabbed by Anthrax)

Anthrax: You’re not going anywhere until you give me what I want.

Brutus: (groans) GO. TO. HELL!

(Brutus reaches for his mallet, which levitates and hits Anthrax in the face. Brutus finally dives into the ocean, where he swims down and brings Nebula back to the Aircraft Carrier HQ)

Brutus: (breathing heavily) Nebula! You okay?!

(Anthrax knocks Brutus in the head with his mallet)

Anthrax: I won’t ask you again. GIVE ME. THE EYE!

Brutus: (winces) You’re gonna have to kill me for it.

Anthrax: (smirks) Very well then. I’LL KILL ALL OF YOU!

(Before Anthrax could hit Brutus with the mallet again, Crystalline grabs it)

Anthrax: What the?

Crystalline: I’m not just gonna stand here and watch you kill my family!

(Crystalline takes the mallet and hits Anthrax in the stomach with it)

Anthrax: Foolish dog.

(Anthrax grabs Crystalline by the neck)

Anthrax: You’re gonna go with the rest of them.

Crystalline: (gasps for air) Let…me….go.

(Noah then rushes in and punches Anthrax in the face)

Crystalline: (breathing heavily)

Anthrax: Looks like I didn’t get myself killed after all, Noah.

(Brutus then charges up his paw, and punches Brutus back to space)


(Noah runs to Crystalline to check on her)

Noah: Hey, you alright?

Crystalline: Yeah, I’m fine.

(Nebula and Ryder then regain consciousness)

Nebula: Is…is he gone?

Noah: For now, he’s gone.

(Ryder sees Brutus in the distance by himself and goes to him)

Ryder: Hey, are you alright?

Brutus: No, this is all my fault.

Ryder: No it isn’t, Brutus. You saved us.

Brutus: They got hurt in the process. Nebula got launched into the ocean and Crystalline almost got choked out! If either of them had died, the blame would’ve been on me.

Ryder: Don’t be hard on yourself, they’re safe now.

Brutus: I know, but, if I had given him the eye, none of you would’ve been in danger.

Ryder: You would’ve lost your powers though. I don’t want you to suffer without an eye. Because the way I see it, not giving him the eye was the right choice, regardless if we got hurt or not.

Brutus: (sighs) I need to go somewhere quiet.

(Brutus walks off)

Noah: Is Brutus okay?

Ryder: No, not really. He thinks it’s his fault for Anthrax’s attack.

5 Hours Later, Inside

(Nebula is getting ready to go to sleep, then Crystalline walks in)

Crystalline: Hey, Nebula, is there anything you need before you go to sleep?

Nebula: My right leg is kind of sore. Can you massage it?

Crystalline: Okay, sure.

(Crystalline massages Nebula’s leg)

Nebula: What ever happened to Brutus? I haven’t seen him since 5 hours ago.

Crystalline: I don’t know. He probably went for a walk, but I haven’t seen him since.

(Crystalline moves down to Nebula’s paw)

Crystalline: I never knew your paws were this soft.

Nebula: Yeah, they’ve been like that for a while. Do you think Brutus is coming back?

Crystalline: I hope so. I’m starting to worry for him.

In The Forest

(We see Brutus walking by himself through the forest)

Brutus: (sighs) I hate this…..I HATE EVERY SINGLE PART OF THIS!

(Brutus creates a sword and throws it towards the sky)

Brutus: This power…it’s a curse. This eye is a curse. Everything about me is a curse!

(He punches a hole in the ground, and it leads to an underground base)

Brutus: Huh?

(He jumps into the hole and makes it into the base)

Brutus: An empty base. Must be abandoned.

(He finds a light switch and turns the lights on. When he starts looking around, he finds which appears to be a suit maker inside)

Brutus: What’s this?

Noah: (behind Brutus) It’s a suit maker.

(Startled, Brutus turns around quickly as his paws glow, just to see Noah standing behind him)

Brutus: When did you get in here?!

Noah: I’m always in here. Well, most of the time.

Brutus: So you’re just down here, making suits?

Noah: When I’m free, yeah. I’ve been designing suits for the Starlight Voyagers. It took me a couple of tries, but I eventually came up with this.

(Noah presses a button, and the first concept of the Starlight Voyagers suit comes out of the ground. It’s a white suit with pink highlights on the side. It also has a purple pup tag with a green diamond emblem)

Noah: So, what do you think?

Brutus: It looks cool!

Noah: Alright! Now I just need to make three more.

(Noah fires up the suit maker)

Brutus: Hey, Noah.

Noah: What’s up?

Brutus: Is…Nebula okay?

Noah: Crystalline told me she’s doing fine.

Brutus: You know, in that moment…

flashback to when Nebula got knocked into the ocean

Brutus (voice in background): When she fell in the ocean, it gave me flashbacks to when I lost my family. I couldn’t lose another pup. I can’t lose anyone.

end flashback

Brutus: I just want to keep everyone safe, but (tears up) I’m afraid that I’ll lose someone in the process.

(Noah suddenly hugs Brutus)

Noah: You won’t lose anyone else, Brutus. Anthrax has already taken too much from you. And I promise you, we will make him pay for what he did.

In The Morning

(A large rocket is seen on the Aircraft Carrier HQ, and Ryder is prepping it)

Ryder: Just a few more things to add and that’ll be it.

(Then, in the distance, Ryder sees Noah and Brutus flying towards the HQ, and they land)

Ryder: Hey Noah, I see you found Brutus?

Noah: He found me, actually.

(Noah gives Ryder the suits)

Noah: They each have their names on it.

(Inside the HQ, the Starlight Voyagers are getting ready to head to space)

Ryder: So, the plan is simple: Kill Anthrax and escape. If you need backup, we’re here.

Blade: I’m sure we can handle it, Ryder.

Brutus: Anthrax is unlike any villain you fought before, Blade. He can predict your moves.

Blade: I can predict moves too. I just never used it in my fights against Noah.

Noah: And you wonder why I always beat you.

Blade: 😒

Brutus: Anyway. Once we finish off Anthrax, I’ll explode his lair so all of his skeletons can disintegrate.

Tracy: Got it.

Brutus: Anything else before we go?

(Nebula runs and hugs Brutus)

Nebula: Thank you for saving me!

Brutus: It’s the least I could do.

(We cut to outside and see Brutus, Blade, Tracy and Hugo walking towards the rocket, and they go inside)

Brutus: Ready?

Tracy, Hugo and Blade: Ready!

(The rocket starts up and launches to space, as Ryder, Noah, Crystalline and Nebula watch from below)

Ryder: Let’s just pray they make it back in one piece.

In Space

(The rocket lands in space, and the Starlight Voyagers walk out)

Brutus: Alright guys, put your masks on.

(Tracy, Hugo and Blade put their masks on, which help them breathe in space)

Hugo: How come you don’t have a mask?

Brutus: Anthrax gave me a substance which allows me to breathe in space. That’s the reason he’s still alive up here.

Tracy: Is there any way we can take that substance out of him?

Brutus: Unfortunately, no. We’re gonna have to stick with our original plan.

(They see the lair in the distance)

Blade: Well, what are we waiting for?

(The pups run towards the lair. We then cut to the lair, where we see Anthrax standing outside… menacingly)

Anthrax: They should be here any minute now.

(The pups arrive and come face to face with Anthrax)

Brutus: It’s time, Anthrax. Time for you to meet your demise.

(The four pups start walking around Anthrax in circles)

Blade: You’re outnumbered, so you might as well surrender while you have the chance.

Anthrax: Blade. So cocky, yet so stupid. You seem to forget that I can end you right here and now with just a snap. Also, I might be outnumbered…

(Anthrax puts on his mask)

Anthrax:… but I’m overpowered.

(Anthrax shoots lasers out of his body in the pups’ directions, but they all dodge)

Tracy: Woah!

Anthrax: I’m only focused on one pup (points to Brutus) You.

Brutus: (gasps)

(Anthrax rushes, grabs Brutus and throws him in the lair)

Anthrax: Toodles.

(Anthrax goes inside the lair)


(Some skeletons then come out of the ground)

Tracy: Looks like we got bigger problems to deal with!

(Tracy and Hugo start fighting off the skeletons, while Blade tries to get the door open. We then cut to the inside of the lair, where Brutus is flung into the room where he once escaped)

Anthrax: I’m done asking for it, so I’m gonna have to take it back myself.

(Brutus’ paws glow)

Brutus: Over my dead body.

(Anthrax and Brutus start to trade blows, until Brutus knocks Anthrax to the ground)

Brutus: This is for what you did to my family. (takes out a blade)

Anthrax: (notices) It ain’t gonna be that easy!

(Anthrax kicks Brutus in the face and gets back up. He then takes out a blade of his own and tries to stab Brutus, but he dodged that)

Brutus: Time to step it up a notch!

(Brutus backflips away from Anthrax and his eye starts to glow)

Anthrax: How cute, but guess what, I COULD DO THAT TOO!

(Anthrax’s eye starts to glow as well. Then, they shoots lasers at each other out of their eyes, trying to overpower one another)

Anthrax: This eye is much stronger than yours.

Brutus: So what do you need it for?!


(They stop shooting the lasers)

Anthrax: The only reason I took you, was so that you could work for ME!

Brutus: I. NEVER. WANTED. TO WORK. WITH YOU! I always hated you, I never even wanted to go with you when you destroyed my home! You could’ve just left me there, suffering as you exploded the town, but NO! YOU KILLED MY FAMILY, TOOK ME IN, TREATED ME LIKE TRASH, AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT, GAVE ME THIS EYE WHICH I DIDN’T EVEN NEED OR WANT IN THE FIRST PLACE! (sniffs and tears up) DOES THAT BRING YOU JOY?! HUH?! DO YOU REALLY THINK I WANT TO BE WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU?!

(Brutus collapses to the ground and starts crying, while Anthrax, who looks guilty, takes off his mask and places it on the ground)

Anthrax: I…didn’t know you felt that-

Brutus: Don’t try to have empathy now, you dumb sack of crap.

(Brutus gets up)

Brutus: (sniffs) There’s no going back. You’ve already caused enough damage.

Anthrax: I was just getting started.

(Anthrax takes out a blade, and Brutus takes out a blade)

Anthrax: I don’t care about the eye anymore, since it’s obvious that you don’t care about me or yourself.

Brutus: (sighs) You know what…

(Brutus throws his blade into the ground)

Brutus: I don’t need a weapon to kill you.

Anthrax: You just made your death wish.

(Outside, Tracy, Hugo and Blade are sfighting the last set of skeletons)

Blade: The door isn’t budging!

Hugo: We’re gonna have to find a different way inside!

(They kill the last set of skeletons)

Tracy: Do we have any tools in the rocket to open that door?

Blade: Let me check.

(Blade runs to the rocket. When he gets there, he finds a mallet)

Blade: Bingo.

(He runs back to Tracy and Hugo)

Blade: I found this mallet. Maybe we could use it to smash open the door.

Tracy: Well, go ahead!

(Blade runs and smashes open the door with the mallet)

Blade: Time to go kick some!

(Blade, Hugo and Tracy run inside to try and find Brutus. Meanwhile, Brutus and Anthrax are having an intense fight)

Anthrax: Your first mistake was running away from me! Your second was picking a fight!

(Anthrax kicks Brutus in the air, grabs him and slams him back to the ground)

Brutus: Those mistakes were justified.

(Brutus tries to punch Anthrax, but he grabs his paw)

Anthrax: You seem to forget that I can predict your moves.

(Anthrax twists Brutus’ paw and throws him into a wall)

Brutus: (winces)

(Anthrax then cuts each of Brutus’ paw pads with his blade)

Brutus: (cries in pain)

Anthrax: It wouldn’t have to be this brutal if you would just give me the eye! Now I have to resort to violence just to get you to understand.

(Brutus tries to crawl away from Brutus, but he can’t since his paws are bleeding)

Anthrax: Remember, this is all on you.

(Tracy, Hugo and Blade finally make it to the room, but they are immediately glued to each wall by Anthrax)

Blade: What the hell?! I can’t (strains) move!

Anthrax: Your little (in a mocking voice) “Starlight Voyagers” can’t save you. You’re all alone.

(Anthrax kicks Brutus to the middle of the room, and at this point, Brutus has lost so much blood from his paws that he can’t walk)

Tracy: Brutus!

Anthrax: Goodbye, Brutus. You were a waist of my time

(Anthrax throws his blade on the ground and walks out of the room, and as Brutus lays unconscious on the ground, his other teammates are still trying to get off of the walls)

“white background”

(Brutus appears in a white room, where he sees his mother in front of him)

Brutus: Mom?!

Brutus’ mother: Who else would it be?

(Brutus tries to hug her, but he just passes through her)

Brutus’ mother: You can’t touch anything here, including me.

Brutus: I… I want to be with you, though. And dad, a-and my siblings!

Brutus’ mother: We are gone, and so is your home. But that does not mean we lose hope.

Brutus: Lose hope? Mom, I lost myself. Nothing is the same without all of you. I cry at night, just thinking about you, thinking about all of the plans you had for me. But now, I can’t go on.

(Brutus sits on the ground)

Brutus: I lost. It’s over. There’s no way I can recover from any of this.

(As Brutus sits there, looking down at the white floor, his mother suddenly hugs him)

Brutus: (gasps)

Brutus’ mother: It’s not over. You might’ve lost blood, but you could never lose yourself. Robotic eye or not, you are still the strongest you could ever be.

Brutus: I… thought I couldn’t hug you though.

Brutus’ mother: You can’t. But I never said “I” couldn’t hug you. It’s time for you to finish this.

“end white background”

(Brutus wakes up slowly, and Tracy, Hugo and Blade are able to detach from the walls. They rush to Brutus’ aid)

Tracy: Come! Let’s help him up!

(Tracy and Hugo help Brutus to his paws)

Brutus: Owww.

Hugo: Let’s bring him to this bed right here.

(Tracy and Hugo bring and place Brutus on the same bed where Anthrax performed the operation on him)

Blade: (notices the cuts) He has cuts on his paws. He must’ve lost a lot of blood!

(Outside, Anthrax looks down at earth)

Anthrax: Screw those pups.

(He grabs the rocket and throws it down to earth)

At The Aircraft Carrier HQ

(Noah, Crystalline and Nebula are watching the sunset)

Noah: It’s getting late, and they haven’t reached back yet.

Nebula: Do you think we should go up there?

(Suddenly, the rocket crash lands onto the Aircraft Carrier HQ, causing an explosion which blasts them into the ocean and causing a fire. Anthrax then lands on the ground near the Aircraft Carrier HQ)

Anthrax: Time to do what the others couldn’t.

(Anthrax levitates, and, just like Brutus’ town, destroys Adventure City with just a snap of his fingers. Buildings are set on fire and collapse slowly, and explosions go off. Ryder manages to get out of the rubble and sees what is happening)

Ryder: No…it can’t be!

(Anthrax lands on the Aircraft Carrier HQ)


(Noah, Crystalline and Nebula hop out of the ocean, but Anthrax levitates the three of them and brings them closer to him)

Anthrax: It is finished. The PAW Patrol is over.

Crystalline: Not on my watch!

(Crystalline punches Anthrax in the face, which causes him to let go of the three of them)

Anthrax: That was a mistake.

(Nebula charges at Anthrax and tries to kick him, but he grabs her leg, breaks it and slams her on the ground)

Nebula: (cries in pain)

(Noah tries to use his gold powers, but Anthrax directs them back at him, which knocks him out)

Crystalline: Shoot!

(Anthrax charges at Crystalline, but she dodged him)

Crystalline: COME ON!

(Anthrax charges at her again, but this time, throws a blade in her direction, which she catches. That then gives Anthrax the opportunity to knee her in the face, which knocks her out)

Anthrax: I said… the PAW Patrol… is over…(looks at Ryder) for good.

Back in Space

(Blade wraps bandages over Brutus’ paws)

Blade: It’s only a matter of time before Anthrax gets down to earth.

(Tracy and Hugo help Brutus off of the bed)

Hugo: Can you walk?

Brutus: (winces) Kind of.

(The four pups walk outside)

Tracy: (doesn’t see the rocket) Guys? Where’s the rocket?!

Hugo: And where is Anthrax?!

Brutus: Anthrax probably took the rocket down to earth.

Tracy: Well, we have to get down there somehow!

Brutus: I’ll go down there.

Blade: What?! Bro, you’re injured!

(Brutus rips the bandages off of his paws)

Brutus: If you think an injury is gonna stop me from killing him, then you’re mistaken.

Blade: What the…how are your paws-

(Brutus propells himself to jump off of the moon and down to Adventure City)

Hugo: I guess we should follow him.

Blade: I’m so confused right now.

(Tracy, Hugo and Blade also jump off of the moon. As Brutus is falling, his eye and paws glow red, which makes him fall faster)

In Adventure City

(Anthrax is walking closer to Ryder, as Nebula is still writhing in pain)

Anthrax: You should be happy that I’m at least sparing your life, instead of these ungrateful ingrates.

Ryder: You…you’re sick, and twisted.

Anthrax: You’re Starlight Voyagers aren’t as powerful as I thought. I’m even disappointed in Brutus! I thought he would’ve been a harder challenge to tackle, but I guess I was wrong.

(As he says this, Brutus lands on the Aircraft Carrier HQ)

Anthrax: (looks behind) Oh, for Goodness sake. Didn’t I say you were a waste of my time?!

(Anthrax charges at him, but Brutus kicks him in the face, punches him in the gut, grabs him, throws him on the ground, rapid punches him in the face and stabs him with his own blade)

Anthrax: (groans)

Brutus: Right in the heart…just like you broke mine all those years ago.

(Ryder runs to get Nebula to safety, while Noah and Crystalline regain consciousness)

Noah: What the…

Crystalline: Oww. My head.

(Brutus helps both of them up)

Brutus: Hey, you guys okay?

Noah: I’ve felt worse.

(Anthrax gets up and takes the blade out of his chest)

Anthrax: I’m sorry, but…it has to be this way.

(Brutus turns around slowly and looks at Anthrax, breathing heavily)

Anthrax: You had one chance, and what did it get you? The extinction of Adventure City.

Brutus: Everything you do, everything you TOUCH, leads to death. JUST GIVE ME AN EXPLANATION ON WHY!

Anthrax: I thought….by destroying cities…the world would finally understand-

Brutus: UNDERSTAND WHAT?! I…lost so much things in my life. Why must you do this to me?!

Anthrax: Because I too, have lost a lot. My family, dying left, right and center, because of pups like you. And the truth is, Brutus… I’m responsible for all of the villains.

(Noah notices what he said)

Noah: What…did you say?

Anthrax: You heard me. “My” family. Tyrone, Jason, Shade, Brodie, Whiplash, Dark Matter, Lava King and even your “father” Derek. THEY ALL WORKED FOR ME!

(Anthrax charges up his eye)

Anthrax: Because, “I’m” the Final Boss. The final villain of this era.

Brutus: You just gave me more reasons to kill you.

(Then, Tracy, Hugo and Blade land on the Aircraft Carrier HQ)

Anthrax: Very well then. Let’s see if you can handle the pressure.

(Anthrax creates a portal beneath him and drags Brutus into it as well)

Crystalline: Brutus!

(Anthrax and Brutus are punching each other through the vortex, before they finally land at the bottom of it)

Anthrax: You thought you were gonna do this with your group?! No, it’s just you and me!

(Brutus creates a mallet with his paws, and he starts to attack Anthrax with it)

Anthrax: This measly mallet isn’t gonna do anything against me!

(Anthrax grabs the mallet and destroys it with one hand)

Brutus: Shoot.

(Brutus jumps in the air and tries to bounce off of the vortex wall, but the walls are glitching so they hurt his back paws, and lands hard onto the ground)

Brutus: Oww.

Anthrax: What’s the matter? Can’t use the walls to your advantage?

Brutus: (groans) You’re annoying as hell.

(Brutus drags himself to stand up, but stumbles a bit)

Anthrax: Come on then…

(Anthrax and Brutus start to levitate)

Anthrax: Fulfill your dream of killing me!

(They get launched back up the vortex. Brutus creates a dagger which he throws at Anthrax, but he dodged that. Anthrax then grabs Brutus and pushes him against the glitched vortex wall, which hurts him)

Brutus: (screams in agony)

(They exit the vortex and land on top of a mountain. Brutus’ has burn marks on his entire right side and some of his clothing is torn as a result of the wall)

Anthrax: Ready to give up yet?

Brutus: (wipes blood from his mouth) That’s gonna sting for a while.

(Brutus charges up his paws)

Anthrax: We can end this right now, y’know!

Brutus: You sound pretty cocky for someone I’m about to kill.

(Brutus charges at Anthrax and they start fighting again)

Anthrax: You’ll have to try harder than that!

(Brutus grabs Anthrax and punches him in the face)

Anthrax: Ah!

Brutus: HOW’S THAT?! (paw glows white) I could hit harder than that if you want.

(Anthrax grabs Brutus and flings him to the other side of the mountain. He then runs and knees Brutus in the face)

Brutus: (groans)

Anthrax: I should’ve done this from a long time ago.

(Brutus takes out another blade)

Brutus: (sighs) How much blades do to have?!

(Once again, Anthrax tries to stab Brutus, but this time, Brutus grabs Anthrax’s legs, spins him around and slams him on the ground)

Brutus: Time to finish this!

(Brutus jumps in the air and goes to punch Brutus in the face. Before he could connect the punch, Anthrax spawns a vortex underneath him, which sends both of them falling through it)

Anthrax: Oh, this fight will be finished, alright. Just, not in the way you expect.

Brutus: What do you mean by that?!

(The two make it back to the destroyed Adventure City, where they land on the tallest building)

Anthrax: This is what I meant!

(Brutus and Anthrax face off one last time)

Anthrax: I’m gonna put an end to your misery right here. You lived a life, but what was it worth?

Brutus: You took me, remember? You killed everyone and took me! Now, you’re making me relive this memory again?

Anthrax: I won’t be saving you this time. I’ll make sure you get to see your family again.

(Anthrax and Brutus once again trade punches. Anthrax then kicks Brutus to the edge of the building, but manages to regain his balance)

Brutus: Two can play at that game!

(Brutus creates a shockwave gun with his paws, and blasts Anthrax off of the building)

Brutus: That should do it.

(Anthrax hops back onto the building)

Anthrax: I don’t think so.

(Brutus shoots the shockwave gun more, but Anthrax keeps dodging. Anthrax then grabs the shockwave gun and throws it off of the building)

Brutus: (gasps)

(Anthrax grabs Brutus by the neck and dangles him over the edge of the building)

Anthrax: Any last words?

Brutus: (chokes) Please…..don’t….

(As Anthrax continues to dangle him, he ponders for a bit)


(Anthrax ship arrives at Brutus’ town)

Anthrax: Get ready to send it down.

(A large meteor is sent from Anthrax’s ship. When it lands, it releases a bunch of skeletons who immediately start destroying buildings. Brutus’ father sees this from inside his house)

Brutus’ father: Guys, we have to leave, now!

Brutus: What’s wrong, dad?

Brutus: Some monsters are here. They look like they want to kill us!

(We cut to outside, where Brutus and his family running from the chaos, heading to a beach)

Brutus’ father: There’s a boat up ahead! It’s just a couple more yards away!

(Brutus trips and falls, while his family keeps running, not noticing Brutus not being with them)

Brutus: MOM! DAD!

(Before they can react, his family gets surrounded by skeletons)

Brutus’ father: (notices Brutus is missing) (gasps) BRUTUS! GO WHILE YOU STILL CAN!

(Brutus starts to run in a different direction, trying to avoid the skeletons at all costs. As he’s running, he trips over a fallen lamp post and hurts himself)

Brutus: (winces)

(A creature then finds the pup and grabs him)

Brutus: H-hey! Let me go! (groans)

(The pup tries to escape the creature’s grasp, but to no avail)

Brutus: Please! I don’t want to die!

(The creature then carries him to a large ship and throws him inside)

Brutus: Huh? Where are you taking me?!

(He looks behind and sees a person wearing a skull mask. The pup looks frightened as the person walks towards him)

Person: What’s your name, little one?

Brutus: …Br…Brutus.

Anthrax: Yeah, you look like a Brutus. I’m Anthrax. You’ll be with me from now on.

Brutus: What? What did you do with my family?!

Anthrax: I can’t tell you. Just know that they’re somewhere…where they won’t have to worry anymore.

(Brutus ponders for a bit, and then comes to the conclusion)

Brutus: you…. I’M GONNA KILL YOU!

(Brutus tries to punch Anthrax in the face, but he grabs his paw and drags him to the cockpit. Once there, he places Brutus in the passenger seat and straps him up)

Anthrax: I tried to reason with you, Little Brutus. Now you’ll have to watch as your city get’s destroyed.

Brutus: Wha…no! Let me out of here!

(As the ship takes off, we get one last look at the city before it explodes. Brutus lets out a gasp as he watched his home get destroyed in front of him)

Anthrax: It’s just business buddy, nothing personal. You’re lucky we saved you.

(Anthrax walks off as he leaves Brutus in the seat)

Brutus: I…can’t believe you….(starts to cry)

“end flashback”

(Anthrax throws Brutus back on the roof as he lets him go)

Brutus: (coughs)

Anthrax: What am I doing?

(Anthrax sits down, this then gives Brutus the opportunity to recover and get back to his paws)

Anthrax: A part of me feels bad for you. But at the same time….I couldn’t care less.

(Anthrax creates a mask using his robotic eye and puts it on)

Brutus: If I have to die to save this city, then so be it.

(In a shocking twist of events, Brutus takes out his robotic eye and throws it at Anthrax)

Brutus’ mother: (echoing in Brutus’ head) You don’t need a fancy eye to save the world. Your real power comes from within.

Brutus: You can take your stupid eye, Anthrax. I don’t need powers to kill you.

Anthrax: If that’s how you want to play this game…(takes out his robotic eye) then fine. We’ll see who dies first)

(Anthrax discards both his and Brutus’ robotic eyes, thus leaving them powerless)

Brutus: Enough talking…let’s see if you’re really the final boss.

(Brutus and Anthrax run at each other, and start to punch each other. Anthrax kicks Brutus a couple of times before Brutus catches his leg and drops him to the ground. He then proceeds to punch Anthrax in the face three times before Anthrax pushes Brutus off of him. With an opening, Anthrax goes to punch Brutus’ head through the roof of the building, but Brutus dodges, and Anthrax makes a hole instead. Brutus then pounces onto Anthrax, sending them through the roof and into the building)

Brutus: (breathing heavily)

(The fight continues as both Brutus and Anthrax get back up. Anthrax grabs Brutus and smashes him through a wall, sending him into another room. Anthrax goes to that room and continues the attack. He grabs Brutus’ back legs and slams him through a glass table, with glass shards cutting his back)

Anthrax: Don’t think for a second that this is the end.

(Anthrax then lifts him up, but he headbutts Anthrax, causing him to let go of him)

Brutus: It’s about to be.

(Brutus throws a chair at a window, breaking it. He then looks out the window, looking at the long way down. This gives Anthrax the opportunity to kick Brutus out the window, but he hangs on)

Brutus: Woooaaahhhh!!!

Anthrax: There’s no way to save Adventure City! Your time is up. MY time is now!

Brutus: (groans) You’re wrong. Your time was up the MOMENT you took out your eye!

(Anthrax stomps on Brutus’ paw, leaving him with only one paw to hang on with)

Brutus: (winces)

Anthrax: Don’t forget who’s also powerless.

(Brutus thinks for a moment, then does something risky. At the last second, he pulls himself up and drags Anthrax out of the building, so they both fall)


Brutus: Saving this city, since I can’t save mine!

(Both of them hit the ground hard, knocking the both of them out)

A Couple of Minutes Later

(Brutus slowly opens his eyes, as he sees Anthrax, who is knocked out cold)

Brutus: (groans softly)

(He tries to get up, but is too weak to do so. He then sees his robotic eye in the distance. So slowly, but surely, he crawls his way to his eye. When he gets it, he puts it back in the socket)

Brutus: Time (winces) to finish this.

(Brutus puts his paws together, and they start to glow green. Adventure City is slowly regaining its life, as buildings get repaired, fires are put out and trees are restored. After Adventure City is fully restored, Brutus passes out again and the screen goes black)

5 Hours Later

Crystalline (voice in background): Look! He’s waking up!

(Brutus wakes up, surrounded by Ryder, Crystalline, Tracy, Hugo and Blade)

Ryder: Hey, buddy! How you feeling?

Brutus: Where…where am I?

Crystalline: You’re back at the HQ. It took a while to find you though.

Brutus: Why does….everything hurt?!

Ryder: You got badly injured in the fight against Anthrax. We’re just waiting on Noah.

Noah: (voice in distance) Alright! I’m ready!

Ryder: Okay, let’s get you inside.

(Inside, Noah is examining Brutus’ injuries)

Noah: So, Brutus has second degree burns on his entire right side, multiple cuts on his back, probably from glass, and a broken paw. He’s gonna need to go to the hospital.

(A couple of minutes later, an Ambulance comes to transport Brutus to the hospital)

Ryder: Take good care of him, okay?

Paramedic: You got it.

(They load Brutus into the ambulance, and they drive off. Inside the HQ, we see Nebula in her room, with a cast on her leg, looking sad. Crystalline then walks in)

Crystalline: Hey, Nebbie. You doing alright?

Nebula: (sniffs) No. This cast on my leg makes it hard for me to move around, and even if I try, it hurts!

Crystalline: It’s gonna be like that for a while, but you can’t let that bring you down. You’re still strong inside.

You may not have been able to fight with that injury, but that doesn’t mean you lost.

Nebula: How do I know when to stop… if things get hard?

Crystalline: You never stop. Just keep moving forward. You’re getting stronger every day, and that’s something you should be proud of.

(Nebula reflects on her words as Crystalline walks out the room)

Nebula (to herself): If that’s the case, I’ll keep moving forward until I can’t anymore!

“white background”

(We see Brutus wake up in a white void, where he sees his mother again)

Brutus: Mom? D-did I…do it?

Brutus’ mother: Yes, but your story doesn’t end here. You still have more to face.

(Then, Brutus’ father and siblings appear)

Brutus’ mother: And we’ll be right there to support you.

(As Brutus looks at his family, he gains some hope and determination)

To be continued…

…Brutus will return…

Directed by MightyNoah


Jacob Ewaniuk as Noah

Isabella Acres as Crystalline

Maryke Hendrikse as Nebula

Romany Malco as Blade

Rosalie Chiang as Tracy

Luxton Handspiker as Hugo

Introducing Gabe Eggerling as Brutus

and Kevin Alejandro as Anthrax

MightyNoah presents…

PAW Patrol

Starlight Voyagers

Happy New Year!


(At a top secret base, we see Anthrax in a containment cell, still knocked out. A couple seconds pass by and his eyes open)

Created by MightyNoah
