PAW Patrol Fanon Wiki

They Will Break The Fourth Wall. Felinedroid Has Team Up With Armagedroid Serrator Master Xandred Myotismon And Professor Cog To Destroy Adventure Bay But The Paw Patrol And Jungle Storm Has Team Up With Ninja Steel Wild Force And Super Samurai And With The Help Of Digimon.

Will They Stop Them In Time?

Chase Also Quit The Team Stay Turn For That.

I Don't Own Them.


All Paw Patrol Characters

Ryder Sr



Apollo The Super Pup


























Professor Von Drake







Jungle Bots









Cole Evans

Alyassa Enrile

Taylor Earhardt

Max Cooper

Merrick Baliton








Greymon (2010)
























The Day Was Started At The Lookout Battling Androbots Spikeballs And Gaurdroids.

Fourmungousaur; Let's Take Them Out.

Charcoal Blast; On It.

Feedback; Time To Charge Up.

Ultimate Big Chill; Time To Ultimate Chill Out.

Kickin Hawk; Let Me Kick It.

Shocksquatch; Electric Down A Notch.

Swampfire; Bring The Flames.

Frigimon; Sub Zero Ice Punch.

Garudamon; Eagle Claw.

Ghostfreak; Let The Games To End.

Brainstorm; Electric Kinetic Strike.

Pesky Dust; Try To Catch Me.

Selena Was Helping Shiny.

Arcticguana; Cool.

Wildvine; It's Wildvine Time.

Four Arms; Pounding Time.

Bruno Use His Sonic Howl.

Oswald; Let End This.

Maxswell; Yeah.

Jackswell; We Got This.

Everyone Turn Back To Normal.

Storm; Let's For The Blaster.

Chromastonex34; May I Join?

Shiny; Sure.

Chromastonex34; Alright Celestialsapien Sword Galaxy Slash.

Scratch; Jungle Storm Blaster Ready.

Leon; Jungle Bot Blaster Ready.

Shock And Navy; And Fire.

Wolvermean; Memory Blast.

Whiger Created A Shockwave With His Guantlets.

The Blast And Strike Took Out The Remaining Androbots Garudroids And Spikeballs.

Ptera; Alright.

Foxy; Yeah Monsters Extinct.

Falco; You Can Say That Again.

Greymon(2010 Off-Screen); Scratch.

We See A Blue Dinosaur.

A Giant Robot Bird.

A Blue Cyberdramon.

A Robot Dragon.

A Star And Picks Wearing Shades.

A Metal Version Of Mamemon.

A Armor Dragon Man.

A Lightning Beast.

A Pegasus.

A Mole Cricket.

A Fish Like Submarine.

A Griffin Like Creature.

A Cross Between Gatomon And Sphinx.

Two Knights Little Pawns.

A Black Version Of WarGreymon.

A Robot Rhino Beetle.

A Wolf Like Digimon With Lion's Mane Drills On His Tail Head Knees And Tail.

A Small Lizard.

A Skeleton Version Of Greymon.

A Golem.

Scratch; Greymon Mailbirdramon Deckerdramon Flamedramon BlackWarGreymon Agumon SkullGreymon.

He Runs Up To Them And Hug Them.

Scratch; You Must Our Friends.

Shock; Everyone This Is Greymon.




















My Partner Agumon.

And SkullGreymon.

Bolt; And This Is Ryder Chase Marshall Aka The Clumsy Pup Skye Rocky Zuma Rubble Oswald Ortensia.

Katie Minnie Maxwell Xavier Selena Bruno Marine.

The Jungle Bots Leon Navy Ptera Drago Wolfy Tigress Finn Foxy Falco Speedy Crash Ken Sail Griff Brock Rilla Tierno Whistle Elasmo Madien.

Ryder; Mom Dad Call I Tell You Something.

Ryder Sr; Sure Son.

Lisa; Also We Get Something To Say To You.

Ryder; Okay I'm A Father Katie Have A Son Daughter Name Bruno And Selena Also You Wanted Me To Be Normal It's Fine With You.

Ryder Sr; Ryder I'm So Happy For You.

Ryder; You Are?

Lisa; Yes Katie And Your Kids Look Up To You.

Ryder Sr; I'm A Grandpa.

Shock; I'm A Uncle.

Ryder Sr; Also Me And Your Mom Are Done Being Rangers.

Rocky; You Are?

Lisa; Yes Rocky.

Scratch; Good Choice.

Ryder; I Understand.

Knuckles; I Don't Get It.

Shadow; They Done Being Rangers.

Knuckles; Oh.

Scratch Took Out His Shadow Saber.

Scratch; Place Your Jungle Crystal Onto My Saber It Will Un Bond You From The Aqua And Snow Crystal.

Lisa And Ryder Sr Un Bond Their Crystals.

Lisa; Thanks Scratch.

Scratch; Anytime.

Bruno; Ryder.

Selena; Katie.

Lisa; Their First Words.

Katie; I Proud Of You Two.

Ryder Sr; We Can Take Care Ryder's Grandma.

Lisa; Good Idea Well Goodbye Everyone Mailbirdramon Please Protect My Son.

Mailbirdramon; Sure.

Lisa; Bye Everyone.

Ryder Sr; How Do We Get Their?

Pegasusmon; Me And Nefertimon Can Help.

Pegasusmon And Nefertimon Fly Ryder Sr And Lisa To Ryder's Grandmother's House.

Apollo; Hello Everyone.

Rubble; Apollo The Super Pup.

Ryder; What Brings You Here?

Apollo; I Found This.

He Took Out The Solar Crystal.

Scratch; The Solar Crystal.

Shock; The Solar Crystal Has The Power Of The Sun.

Apollo; That's Amazing.

Scratch; Yes You Are The Solar Ranger.

Shock; Spirit Of The Phoenix.Phoenix.


At The Beach.

Felinedroid; Alright Cat Minions Time To Destroy This Town.

Myotismon; No I Will.

Professor Cog; I Will.

Master Xandred; Me And Serrator Are.

Armagedroid; No I Will.

Felinedroid; I'm Felinedroid With My Cat Minions With Destroy You.

Armagedroid; I'm Armagedroid.

Master Xandred; I'm Xandred Leader Of Nighloks.

Serrator; I'm Serrator.

Myotismon; I'm Myotismon.

Professor Cog; I'm Professor Cog.

Master Xandred; Professor Cog You Should Be Destroyed.

Professor Cog; Give Me A Chance.

Master Xandred; Okay If You Failed Me You Shall Be Destroyed.

Myotismon; If We Team Up We Be Unstoppable.

Master Xandred; Let's Do It.

At The Lookout Pegasusmon Nefertimon Are Back.

Digmon; Pegasusmon Nefertimon Glad To Be Back.

Nefertimon; It Sure Is.

Daisy; Hey Guys.

Shock; Hide.

The Digimon Wolvermean Whiger And Chromastonex34 Hide.

Bolt; We Got Some News.

Sonic; Ryder Is Now A Father.

Tails; Katie Is A Mother.

Melody; That's Great.

Millie; Awesome.

Daisy; Is It A Girl Or A Boy?

Shadow; A Girl.

Silver; And A Boy.

Silver; Selena.

Storm; And Bruno.

Goofy; Those Are Great Names.

Donald; And Cute.

Knuckles; Big Softy.

Shock; Ha.

Minnie; Also I Having A Baby.

Daisy; That's Great.

Professor Von Drake; We Are To Explore The City.

Mickey; Bye Guys

A Portal Appeared.

Flamedramon; What The?

Ninja Steel Has Appeared.

Scratch; Great To See You Again.

Another Portal Has Appeared.

Raidramon; Look.

Wild Force Has Appeared.

Marshall; Who Are They?

Shock; Wild Force.

A Another Portal Has Appeared.

Chromastonex34; What The.

Samurai Rangers Has Appeared.

Bolt; Samurai.

Cole; We Are The Wild Force.

Jayden; We Are The Samurai Rangers.

Everyone Introduce Themselves To Each Other.

Mia; So Katie Your A Mother.

Katie; Yes.

Emily; They Are So Cute.

Alyassa; I'm Happy For.

Shock; Thanks To The Jungle Storm And The Paw Patrol Reputation This City Has No Invasion Wars Or Danger Thanks To Us.

Whiger; Wow.

Scratch; Whiger Wolvermean I Give You These Two Morphers And Jungle Crystals.

Wolvermean; I'm Wolvermean The Memory Ranger.

Whiger; I'm Whiger The White Tiger Ranger.

Needledroid; Rangers.

Jet; Really.

Levi; Rockstorm Blast.

Shock; Stego Spirit.

Mickey; Dragon Spirit.

Needledroid; It Looks Like I Got The Point.

Needledroid Is Destroyed.

Max; That Was Easy.

Foxy; Yeah.

Ortensia; I'm Going For A Walk.

Oswald; Okay Be Safe.

Redbot; You Care About Her.

Oswald; Yeah I Have 420 Children.

An Awkward Silence Shock Has Fainted Again.

Sonic; Well I'm Out.

Rocky; Me Too.

Kevin; How Do You Tell Them Apart?

Oswald; I Have No Idea.

Sail; How Did You Even?

Oswald; Do You Really Want To Know?

Drago; No I Don't.

Oswald; Good Call.

Shock(To The Viewers); That Was Weird.

Falco; Agreed.

Leon; Where's Chase?

Deckerdramon; Over There.

Scratch; Ryder Wolvermean BlackWarGreymon.

Chase Was Sitting By A Tree Sad.

MetalGreymon; Hi Chase.

Chase; Hi Guys.

Wolvermean; What's Wrong?

Chase; Yeah It's Just I Miss My Mom And Dad.

Ryder; I'm Sorry Chase.

Chase; Also I'm Quitting The Paw Patrol.

Mick; What.

Skye; Your Leaving.

Chase; Yeah.

Chase Take Off His Collar Off.

Chase; Fine A Better Police Pup.

Sarah; Everyone In This Town Needs You.

Chase Walk Away.

Danny; You Can't Go.

Levi; He Can't Give Up.

Preston; Poor Chase.

WereGarurumon; He Miss His Mom And Dad.

Rubble; Without Him Who Is Gonna To The Police Pup?

Mike; That's Rough.

Wargreymon; MetalGarurumon.

MetalGarurumon; Let's Do This.

Wargreymon MetalGarururmon; Dna Digivolve Too.

Omnimon; Omnimon.

Zuma; Woah There Like One.

Omnimon; Be Right Back.

Ryder; I'm Coming To.

Omnimon Fly Into The Air To Fine Chase.

Ryder Runs After Omnimon.

Chase; I'm The Worst.

Omnimon; Chase.

Chase; What The Scratch And Shock?

Chase; Ryder What Are You Doing Here?

Ryder; To Talk.

Chase; Omnimon I'm The Worst Pup And Ryder Made A Bad Decision Of Picking Me.

Ryder; Your My First Pup.

Omnimon; Chase You Are A Good Pup And Ryder Made A Good Decision Of Picking You.

Ryder; Yeah The Paw Patrol And Adventure Bay Won't Be The Same Without You.

Chase; Thanks Omnimon And Ryder.

Omnimon; Anytime.

Omnimon Split Back Into Shock And Scratch Landed On The Ground.

Scratch; Ow.

Shock; Double Ow.

Scartch; Huh.

Shock; What.

Some Of Omnimon Power Went Into Chase.

Ryder; Your Pup Tag.

Chase Put On His Pup Tag.

Chase; Thanks.

Scratch; Back To The Lookout.

4 Minutes Later.

Shock; We're Back.

Scratch; Chase Is Back Into The Paw Patrol.

Skye; Yeah.

Blaze; Do You Like Chase?

Skye; As A Friend.

Marine; Okay.

Shadow; There's Monsters At The Beach.

Scratch; Okay Mick Redbot You Stay Here With Katie Minnie And The Pups.

The Aqua Crystal Starting To Selena And The Snow Crystal Bonding To Bruno.

Selena; We Are Rangers?

Bruno; Yes We Are Sister.

Chase; I'm Coming To.

Ryder; Okay Chase.

Talyor; Let's Go.

Oswald Already Morphed.

Felinedroid; Ortensia Attack The Mercury Ranger.

Ortensia Kicked Oswald.

Oswald; Ortensia.

Ortensia; Time To Be Destroyed.

Oswald; I'm Not Your Enemy.

Oswald; It's Me.

Oswald Demorphed

Oswald; I'm Oswald.

Ortensia; Ozzie.

Oswald; I'm Sorry For Being Selfish To You.

Ortensia Was Free Of Felinedroid Spell.

Ortensia; Oswald.

Oswald; You Get To Safety.

Ortensia; Sure.

Felinedroid; Your Going To Pay For That Armagedroid Myotismon Xandred Serrator Professor Cog.

Myotismon; Ha.

Xandred; Rar.

Serrator; Hmp.

Armagedroid; Hello Rangers.

Professor Cog; Gears.

Scratch; We Are Here.

Mickey; It's Morphing Time.

Ninja Steel; Power Stars Lock In Ninja Spin.

Wild Force; Wild Access.

Samurai; Samuraizers Go Go Samurai.

Antonio; Samurai Morpher Gold Power.

Everyone; Jungle Storm Unleash The Storm.

Bolt And Shock; Jungle Storm Unleash The Thunder Storm.

Apollo; Jungle Storm Unleash The Solar Storm.

Oswald; Jungle Storm Unleash The Mercury Storm.

Maxswell; Jungle Storm Unleash The Dark Storm.

Jackswell; Jungle Storm Unleash The Titanium Storm.

Whiger; Jungle Storm Unleash The White Tiger Storm.

Wolvermean; Jungle Storm Unleash The Memory Storm.

Chromastonex34; Celetialsapien Sword Ready.

Jungle Super Storm; We Use Jungle Within Super Storm Power Rangers Jungle Super Storm.

Super Samurai; Rangers Together Samurai Forever.

Wild Force; Wild Force.

Jayden; Super Samurai Mode.

Brody; Lion Fire Red.

Levi; Superstar Mode Gold.

Jayden; Preston Use The Shark Disc.

Preston; Shark Attack Ninja Steel Blue.

Cole; Red Savage Warrior Ready.

Scratch; Let's Do This.

Chase; I'm Digivolving.

Chase; Digivolve To.

Omni Chase; Omni Chase.

Omni Chase Is Like Omnimon A Blue Police Star Is On His Chest His Pup Pack Became A Cannon And The Pup Tag Became A Sword.

Scratch; Greymon Mailbirdramon Metalmamemon Deckerdramon Cyberdramon Jungle Fuse.

Scratch; WhiteAxeKnightmon BlackWarGreymon Knightmon PawnChessmon Armor Level Starmon Pickmon

SkullGreymon Jungle Fuse.

BlackWarGreymon Armor Knight; BlackWarGreymon Armor Knight Mode.

DeckerGreymon Metal Cyber; DeckerGreymon Metal Cyber Mode.

Scratch; Agumon Digivolve.

Agumon; Agumon Warp Digivolve To.

Shinegreymon; ShineGreymon.

Felinedroid; Who Are You?

Cole; Blazing Lion.

Alyassa; Noble Tiger.

Max; Surging Shark.

Danny; Iron Bison.

Taylor; Soaring Eagle.

Merrick; Howling Wolf.

Wild Force; Wild Force.

Scratch; Shogun Shadow Ranger.

Shock; Tri Thunder Armor Ranger.

Bolt; Ptera Master Crimson Gold Burst Mode.

Mickey; Dragon Fire Red Ranger.

Sonic; Trans Armor Cycle Wolf Blue Ranger.

Tails; Steel Armor Yellow Ranger.

Knuckles; Cyber Sonic Mode Green Ranger.

Shiny; Archer Fury Pink Ranger.

Shadow; Chaos Knight Black Ranger.

Storm: Seismic Spirit Armor White Ranger.

Jet: Hawk Knight Gold Ranger.

Silver: Battle Armor Silver Ranger.

Ryder; Robo Spino Dog Graphite Range.

Blaze; Blazing Storm Purple Ranger.

Marine; Maiden Armor Storm Violet Ranger.

Bruno; Breaker Storm Snow Ranger.

Selena; Tidal Storm Aqua Ranger.

Oswald; Mercury Sentinel Ranger.

Maxwell; Savage Dark Ranger.

Xaiver; Titanium Battle Ranger.

Apollo; Solar Power Armor Ranger.

Whiger; Mega Battle Storm White Tiger Ranger.

Wolvermean; Mega Battle Storm Memory Ranger Memory Ranger.

Jayden; Super Red Ranger Ready.

Kevin; Blue Ranger Ready.

Mike; Green Ranger Ready.

Mia; Pink Ranger Ready.

Emily; Yellow Ranger Ready.

Antiono; Gold Ranger Ready.

Xandred; Army Attack.

Levi; Storm Star Tornado Mode Tornado Slash.

Calvin Hayley Sarah; Steel Slash.

Brody; Lion Fire Rapid Blast.

Kevin; Dragon Splash.

Mia; Airway.

Antonio; Barracuda Bite.

Mike; Forest Vortex.

Emily; Seismic Swing.

Preston; Blue Shark Tornado Slash.

Omni Chase; Police Supreme Cannon.

Chromastonex34; Galaxy Slash.

Jungle Super Storm; Unleash The Spirits.

The Jungle Storm Unleash Their Spirits Destroy The Army.

Serrator; No.

Merrick; Let's End This.

Rangers; Fire.

Everyone Launched Their Special Attacks And The Digimon Use Their Attacks Destroying The Monsters.

The Monsters Grow Giant.

Alyassa; We Needs The Zords.

Everyone; Summon Zords.

Scratch; Jungle Storm Ultrazord Ready.

Ryder; Spino Storm Ultrazord Ready.

Calvin; Ninja Blaze Megazord Ready.

Leon; Ninja Steel Ultrazord Ready.

Shock; Astro Sub Surfer Rumble Tusk.

Jayden; Samurai Gigazord We Are You United.

Max; Wildzords Ready.

Jayden; Shogun Mode Power Of The Ancestors.

Rangers; Final Strikes.

Everyone Launched Their Special Attacks.

Serrator; No I Was Suppose To Split Open Your World You Weren't Suppose To Don't To Me.

Master Xandred; I Will Raise Again.

Felinedroid; My Cat Lives Are Gone.

Professor Cog; I Said Fight Me And I Didn't Say Win.

Armagedroid; It Looks Like This Plan Is Doom.

The Monsters Blow's Up.

Jayden; Samurai Rangers Victory Is Ours.

Brody; Show Over Ninjas And Adventure Bay Wins.

The Rangers Jump Out Of The Megazords.

Everyone Started Cheering.

Mayor Goodway; That Was Amazing Teamwork.

Flamedramon; Anytime.

Jayden; Well Were Going Home.

Merrick; Us To.

Brody; Bye.

Wild Force Samurai Ninja Steel Went Home.

Skye; Guys Come In.

BlackWarGreymon; What Is It Skye?

Skye; Minnie Is Having Her Baby.

Marshall; She Went Into Labor When You Guys Left.

Mickey; Oh No Minnie.

Ortensia; Let's Go.

2 Minutes Later.

Everyone Got Back To The Lookout.

Knightmon; Were Are Here.

Omni Chase; Where Is Minnie?

Zuma; Is That You Chase?

Submarimon; We Explain Later.

Up To The Lookout.

Mickey; Minnie I'm Here.

Minnie; Mickey I Was Worried.

Mickey; Worried About What Don't Worried I'm Here.

Halsemon; Alright Minnie Breathe.

In The Back.

We See Shock And The Others Talking.

Shock; Man That Looks Like It Hurts.

MetalMamemon; Really.

BlackWarGreymon; Oh That's Very Profound Insight-Man.

Shock; Excuse Me For Being A Electabuzz.

Mailbirdramon; How Come Nothing Happening Yet.

Rubble; She's Gonna Be All Right Though Huh?

Flamedramon; Yeah Like Like What If It Gets Stuck Or Something?

Bolt; Like What.

Raidramon; You Mean Like Stuck Halfway So She'd Be A Mouse And A Half.

Flamedramon; I Didn't Say "Mouse And A Half".

Raidramon; Yes You Did You Just Did.

Flamedramon; Deckerdramon Did I A Say " Mouse And A Half"?

Deckerdramon; I'm Not Doing This.

Ryder; Look.

Halsemon; It's A Beautiful Baby Girl.

Mickey; She Is Perfect.

Minnie; What Are You Gonna To Name Her?

Mickey; I'll Call Her Mina.

Minnie; Mina Mouse It's Perfect.

Scratch; She Has Vulpinmancer DNA.

Mickey; Your Right.

She Sneeze A Small Fire Ball At Scratch's Face.

Scratch; And Has Mickey's Fire Power.

Daisy Giggle.

Digmon; Welcome To The Family.

Ryder; Apollo Bruno Selena And DigiFriends Welcome To The Team.

Greymon; Thanks Ryder.

Zuma; How Did Chase Did That?

Shock; Some Of Omnimon Power Went Into Him.

Rubble; Oh.

Shock; Yeah.

Omni Chase; I Will Protect Adventure Bay.

The End.

Power Stars

Lion Fire Armor Star

Superstar Mode Star

Steel Slash

Blue Tornado Slash

Robo Red Zord

Dragon Zord

Nitro Zord

Zoom Zord

Kodiak Zord

Bull Rider Zord

Robo Rider Zord

Lion Fire Zord

Falcon Zord

Serpent Zord

Piranha Zord

Tortoise Zord

Tiger Zord

Astro Zord

Rumble Tusk Zord

Sub Surfer Zord

Power Disc

Dragon Splash


Forest Vortex

Siesmic Swing

Barracuda Bite

Shark Attack Mode

Ultimate Combination

Lion Folding Zord

Dragon Folding Zord

Bear Folding Zord

Turtle Folding Zord

Ape Folding Zord

Beetle Zord

Swordfish Zord

Tiger Zord

Claw Zord

Octo Zord

Bull Zord

Shark Zord

Super Mode

Shogun Mode

Shark Attack Mode

Aliens Used







Big Chill(Cameo)

Ultimate Big Chill

Kickin Hawk

Pesky Dust

Four Arms



