PAW Patrol Fanon Wiki

Chase is exploring the city and checking for any monsters and if the townsfolk are happy. He then comes across Katie and her cat Callie who are a bit upset

Chase: Hi Katie. Hi Callie.

Katie: Oh hi Chase.

Callie: Miaow.

Chase: What's *sneezes* Sorry. I have allergies. But anyway, what's the matter?

Katie: My Dad went to join the Marines and I miss him *sniffs and wipes away a tear*

Chase: I know that feeling. I miss my Dad too.

Chase has a flashback to when he was really young and his dad was part of the paw patrol

Chase's Dad: One day, you will become part of the Paw Patrol just like me. Remember. Show your bravery and skill, assist your allies and never run til you're done.

Coming back from the flashback, Chase puts his head down slightly

Katie: Are you okay Chase?

Chase: *looks at Katie* Yeah. I'm fine.

Katie: Also *whispers in his ear* congrats on becoming a Power Ranger.

Chase: Thanks. Wanna see something new i learned?

Katie: Sure

Chase pulls out a square piece of paper from his pocket and makes a paper plane

Chase: Pretty cool right?

Chase throws the paper plane in the air. They all smile but then the plane comes back and pokes Callie in the chest.

Callie: *screams and jumps into a bin*

Chase and Katie giggle for a bit

Chase: Sorry Callie

Callie comes out of the bin with a banana peel on her head and a miserable-looking face.

Meanwhile at the lookout, Ryder goes to check on the pups to see what and how they are doing. First, he comes across Rocky and Skye doing archery with crossbows together.

Ryder: Morning Pups.

Rocky and Skye: Morning Ryder

Ryder: How's Skye and her archery skills Rocky

Rocky: They're actually not half bad

Skye: You're right. They're all bad compared to yours

They all start laughing but Skye's next shot is a bullseye.

Ryder: Wow. I think you spoke too soon.

They all start laughing again and Ryder goes to check on Marshall, Zuma and Rubble who are all practicing with fake versions of their weapons.

Ryder: Sorry to interrupt but how are you pups doing?

Zuma: We're great thanks Ryder

Rubble: We're slightly concerned about Chase though

Ryder: I promise he'll be fine and if he's in trouble, we'll know just where to find him thanks to our radar

Marshall: Turns out he is in safe hands, wherever he- *Ryder, Zuma and Rubble stare at him and he starts to sweat a bit* I said the H word again...didn't I?

They all start laughing and the view gradually takes us to the mothership and we see Spectre building something.

Outrider: Sorry to interrupt sir but what are you doing?

Spectre: Working on my best creation yet. I like to call it "Super Advanced Robot Equipped with Weapons of Mass Destruction that will fin-"

Outrider: Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa! That's way too many words!

Spectre: *Pulls out his Ripper from his arm and walks sinisterly towards Outrider* Don'!'re right *puts away his ripper*

Outrider: Can I just call it Reaper?

Spectre: You can call it whatever and can i just get you to find me a monster while i build this thing?

Outrider: Already have sir. She's good with her weapons, movement and me. Her name is Seraph

Seraph leaps up into the mothership. She is a human-like monster wearing a face scarf and combat clothes. She has a ponytail and is armed with a revolver and a small blade.

Seraph: Well well well. If it isn't my good friend Outrider.

Outrider: Good to see you too Seraph *they shake hands* and have i got a job for you?

Seraph: *looks at Spectre* You must be Spectre her boss

Spectre: Indeed. Would you like to help us take care of some little creatures called-

Seraph: Power Rangers?

Outrider: You got that right.

Spectre: And even better, you get to destroy them.

Seraph: Consider it done!

Back at the area where Chase and Katie are, it seems that Katie was looking after all the children and animals nearby. They each had a paper plane (all of which were made by chase) and lots of fun.

Katie: Okay c'mon kids *laughs*

Chase's mind: This is how adventure bay should be. No monsters, no worries, no Catastrophe Crew, just everyone having fun.

All of a sudden, a mob of zombies appear and cause the townsfolk to run away in panic. Chase turns his head and notices it and then turns back to Katie.

Seraph: Look at all these scared people retreating. I don't blame them

Chase: Gather up the kids and get them somewhere safe!

Katie nods and does what Chase said. He then runs towards Seraph and the zombies and begins to fight them.

Back at the lookout, an alarm goes off and all the other pups head to the top.

Marshall: What's the alarm for Ryder?

Ryder: It means there's a monster out there somewhere. *looks at the radar* They're in the center of the city and Chase is already there. Go help him.

All the pups rush to help Chase who is being overwhelmed by the zombies. One of them throws him away and he lands on his side but he gets up and dusts himself down.

Seraph: Awww poor puppy. What a shame your friends aren't here to help you beat me.

Chase: I'm more than happy to do it all by myself if i have to!

Seraph: Oh really? I'll let my precious zombies go first

All the zombies run towards Chase

Chase: Storm Smasher!

He pulls out his storm smasher and takes on the zombies. He is doing much better until...

Seraph: Hmm. I see you are doing well.

Chase: What's the matter? Am i better than you think?

Seraph: Maybe. But let's see if you can handle this *pulls out her revolver*

Chase: *looks at Seraph* What?

Seraph shoots her revolver at Chase. All shots hit his body and cause him to fly backwards in pain and land on his side.

Seraph: Turns out you are not as powerful as you think

Chase feels like he has lost all hope until he hears...

Rocky: Hang on Chase!

Chase turns his head and sees his friends running towards the zombies with their weapons and then they start to fight them

Chase: Thanks guys. I owe you one.

Rocky: You don't need to owe us anything. We're just glad to see you're okay.

Skye: We're all in this together! Til' the end!

Zuma: We started as a team...and we will finish as a team!

Marshall: He's right! You will not be fighting alone!

Rubble: No job is too big, no pup is too small!

Chase slowly gets up while the others continue to fight

Chase: I don't like having you guys in danger but someone has to stop these monsters...

Rubble finishes the last two zombies and then all the pups line up.

Chase:...And I'm glad it's me a my friends. It's morphin time!

All pups: Paw Patrol! Ready to Roll!

The pups morph into their ranger forms

Seraph: What the?

Chase: Roar of thunder! Paw Patrol Blue!

Marshall: Fierce as fire! Paw Patrol Red!

Zuma: Fluent as the sea! Paw Patrol Orange!

Rubble: Tough as the earth! Paw Patrol Yellow!

Rocky: Strong as a tree! Paw Patrol Green!

Skye: Lighter than air! Paw Patrol Pink!

All pups: We save the day in Adventure Bay! Power Rangers Paw Patrol!

Seraph: Ho ho ho! Color-coded target practice!

Some more zombies attack the rangers and they use their weapons special attacks to defeat them.

Skye: Wind Shield! Flying Tornado!

Skye throws her shield above her zombies like a frisbee. It creates a tornado which blows them all away.

Rocky: Eco Bow! Piercing Strike!

Rocky fires an arrow from his bow and it pierces through each of his zombies and also changes direction if necessary

Rubble: Earth hammer! Richter Frenzy!

Rubble slams his hammer on the ground causing an earthquake to occur around him and destroy the zombies he's fighting

Zuma: Hydro Blade! Tsunami Wave!

Zuma swings his blade upwards, making a tsunami and wiping out all his zombies

Marshall: Fire Staff! Dragons Breath!

Marshall's staff emits fire which incinerates all his zombies

Chase: Storm Smasher! Scorching Thunder!

Chase raises his smasher into the air. It emits lightning which shoots into the sky and then back down onto his zombies.

Rubble: Got anything to say about that?

Seraph: That was just the starter! Time for the main course!

The rangers start to attack Seraph who is actually very good with her moves. She then spins on the spot whilst wielding her blade causing it to hit all the rangers and send them on to the ground.

Seraph: *laughs evilly* You are all weak, even if you're all combined

Skye: *slowly but surely gets back on her feet* I am NOT giving up!

Rocky: Skye? What are you-

Seraph: Shut it! Let me finish off Pinkie here!

Skye: Don't even try!

Seraph: Annihalator! Super Charge!

Seraph fires a highly charged shot at Skye who quickly and wisely pulls out her shield. The shot deflects off it thus heading towards Seraph and destroying her.

Seraph: The wrong person has been annihilated!

All the other pups cheer for Skye

Chase: I was so worried it was gonna hit you! I mean uh...Nice moves Skye!

Skye: *chuckles* Thanks Chase

Seraph: *revived in mass form by Spectre* You now have a massive dessert to deal with

Chase: Chase requesting Paw Patrol Megazord!

The pups vehicles come in, they put them into zord mode and they combine into the Paw megazord

All pups: Zords Combine! Paw Patrol megazord! Ready to Roll!

Zuma: Let's finish her once and for all!

Seraph: After you take on my giant zombies!

Lots of giant zombies swarm the megazord from all directions but the rangers finish them with no problem.

Zuma: Hydro storm! *presses attack button*

The motors from Zuma's hovercraft emit strong currents of water, wiping out all the remaining zombies.

Rocky: Good thing this megazord is waterproof.

Marshall: looks like we saved the worst for last again

Seraph: Fine! I'll do this on my own!

Seraph attacks the megazord. At first, it looks like she is winning but the megazord knocks her weapons out of her hands

Chase: She is defenseless. Lets finish this!

The rangers activate their levers, making the megazord do its final strike and finish Seraph off

All pups: Final strike!

Seraph: I was supposed to destroy you! It wasn't meant to be the other way round!

Chase: Paw patrol rangers, we just pawed a victory!

Back at the lookout

Ryder: Good job pups. Another day, another beatdown. *looks at chase who looks a bit embarrassed* Chase, are you okay?

Chase: I uh...can we talk alone outside?

Ryder: Sure. *goes outside with Chase and they sit by the entrance*

Skye: *starts to get a bit worried* I hope he's alright

The view goes to Chase and Ryder

Ryder: What's the matter?

Chase: You know how my concern for Skye was a bit over the top earlier and sometimes before we were power rangers.

Ryder: I didn't hear about it today but i remember the ones from the past.

Chase: Well, the truth is...*takes a deep breath and blushes* I...have a crush on her. I want to tell her but I'm too nervous.

Ryder: Would you like me to do it for you Chase? I'll make sure she doesn't do anything bad

Chase: Thanks Ryder.

Rocky: *comes to the entrance* Everything alright out here. Skye's worried about Chase.

Ryder: Chase is fine and speaking of Skye, could you please go and get her?

Rocky: Green means go! Actually, I don't think that makes sense. Green means Yes sir Ryder sir! *Chase and Ryder laugh as Rocky goes back inside and brings out a worried Skye*

Skye: H-Hi Ryder. Is Chase alright? I'm worried about him.

Ryder: Hi Skye. Chase is fine but there's something that he wants to tell you but he's too nervous to do it.

Skye: What is it?

Ryder: He's...well. Can i say it Chase?

Chase: Go ahead Ryder

Ryder: He's had a crush on you for a while

Skye: *giggles in delight, blushes and looks at Chase* Wow! Is that true Chase?

Chase: Yes. It's true. I hope you don't mind.

Skye: No I don't mind at all. But i do absolutely love it. Especially as i have a crush on you too.

Skye leaps onto Chase causing both of them to land on their sides

Chase: Whoa!

Skye then kisses Chase on the lips causing his face to light up.

Ryder: Having fun already?

Skye: No no we're just...playing

Ryder: Okay. I'll leave you to it then *goes back inside*

Chase: Bit awkward

Skye: Don't worry about it Chase. All you need to know is that I love you.

Chase: *chuckles* I love you too Skye

They both chuckle for a bit and then they cuddle up and fall into a deep, passionate kiss.

The end
