PAW Patrol Fanon Wiki

This is a story written by SistersShiraandSkye AN: Do Not Edit Unless You Have Permission


• Ryder

• Jake

• the original 6 pups

• Everest

• Stalagmite (debut)

• Lyra

• Kraken


When Ryder, Jake, & the pups are mining for gem stones they run into a new pup who knows a lot about them. They make friends with him. Will his knowledge be good enough to make him a member?


  • it was a nice cool day in adventure bay and the pups and Ryder were getting ready to go mining*

Ryder: okay pups Jake and Everest will meet us there

Chase: okay I am all packed

Skye: me too

Zuma, Rocky, Marshall, & Rubble: us too

Lyra & Kraken: don't forget us we're all set as well

Ryder: *giggles* okay pups let's go

  • with that said they all leave and go to the cave*

Jake: (waving) Ryder! Paw patrol!

Ryder: hi Jake

Pups: Everest!

Everest: hi everyone

Jake: so you pups ready to mine for gem stones

Lyra: yeah I'm excited

Kraken: so am I! (Nuzzles Lyra)

  • Lyra blushes*

Chase: awww

Skye: hehe so are we right honey?

Chase: (blushes) right

Everest: come on pups!

  • they all go into the cave*

Jake: okay pups spread out and start mining

Pups: okay!

  • they all spread out*

Ryder: (mining) nothing yet

Chase: (mining) same Ryder sir

Jake: I can't find anything either how about the rest of you?

All but Jake, Ryder, Chase and Lyra: no

Lyra: (uncovers something) hey I found something!

Kraken: honey you did?!

Lyra: yeah see! (Shows then a blue gem stone)

Jake: wow Lyra great find but I don't know exactly what it is

???: I do

Kraken: uh who said that?

Marshall: I don't know

Rubble: sounds like it's coming from deep inside the cave

Zuma: yeah dudes and dudettes

???: (walks up so they can see him) hi

Ryder: uh who are you?

???: names stalagmite and I'm a geologist but my specialty is mineralogy

Everest: that's cool!

Stalagmite: thank you

Everest: you're welcome

Zuma: so dude can you tell us what this gem stone is?

Stalagmite: yeah may I see it?

Lyra: sure (gives him the gem stone)

Stalagmite: wow!

Marshall: what is it?

Rubble: is it rare?

Stalagmite: well no but this is an amazing find

Lyra: thanks oh an I'm Lyra

Kraken: I'm her boyfriend Kraken

Rocky: my names Rocky

Chase: I'm Chase

Skye: I'm his girlfriend Skye

Zuma: I'm Zuma dude

Rubble: I'm Rubble

Marshall: names Marshall

Ryder: my names Ryder and this is Jake and this is Everest (points to them)

Stalagmite: very nice to meet you all

Everest: so exactly what type of gem stone is it?

Stalagmite: it's a topaz

Jake: let's keep searching

All: right

  • they all keep digging*

Jake: I found topaz

Chase: I didn't

Stalagmite: okay let me see

Chase: okay (shows him)

Stalagmite: oh my gosh you found a blue diamond!

Chase: really?!

Stalagmite: I am never wrong I know all of my gem stones and any and all minerals

Everest: I found topaz too

Skye: I found a diamond too!

Kraken: I found 2! (Gives one to Lyra)

Lyra: awww thanks

Kraken: you're welcome

Rubble & Marshall: we found the same thing!

Stalagmite: yes you both found sapphires

Rocky: uh I found a yellow gem stone

Zuma: as for me dudes I found a green one

Rocky: hahaha cool I wonder what these are?

Zuma: yeah dude

Stalagmite: let me see

Rocky & Zuma: (hands him their gemstones)

Stalagmite: whoa!

Zuma: what dude?

Stalagmite: you both found cool gem stones

Rocky: really? What are they?

Stalagmite: Rocky you found a yellow garnet!

Rocky: cool

Stalagmite: Zuma as for your gemstone it's an emerald!

Zuma: cool!

  • with that said they keep digging until lunch and then for the rest of the day*

Ryder: okay pups let's pack up time to go

Pups: okay

Jake: I'm all packed

Ryder: so am I

Pups: so are we

Rocky: we didn't find many gemstones but we each found enough

Marshall: yeah we each found how many like 5-8 gemstones total?

Zuma: yes dude

Jake: we all did really great

Ryder: yes we did well everyone let's all go to the lookout Stalagmite you come too

Stalagmite: okay

  • with that said they all go to the lookout and up to the top of it*

Ryder: okay pups this maybe interesting to have but Stalagmite?

Stalagmite: (steps forward) yes?

Ryder: how would you love to join the Paw Patrol?

Stalagmite: r-really?!

Ryder: yes so will you?

Stalagmite: yes oh thank you!

Ryder: you will keep your job as a geologist who specializes in mineralogy

Stalagmite: yay! Oh thank you all so much!

Jake & Everest: congratulations

Stalagmite: thank you

All: you're welcome

  • suddenly Rubble's stomach growls*

Rubble: when's dinner?

  • they all laugh*

Ryder: right now Rubble Everest Jake want to join us?

Everest & Jake: yes please

Ryder: okay let's go

All: yay!

  • with that they all go to Mr. Porters for dinner*

The End
