PAW Patrol Fanon Wiki
Spoiler warning!
This article contains plot details about an upcoming episode.

With your heart, unlock your greatest power. The thrones of our brothers and sisters await.
~ Shazam to Skye, Cal Brunker's PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie.

Shazam is a male Great Dane.

Physical appearance[]

(To be added)

Personality and traits[]

(To be added)


Former powers[]

  • Superhuman durability: To be added
  • Magic: To be added



  • Unnamed brothers †
  • Unnamed sisters †





Only the purest of hearts can resist their temptations. But you, you will never be worthy.
~ Shazam declaring Anubis unworthy before banishing him.
Seeking spell... find me one soul who's worthy! No matter how long it takes!
~ Shazam invoking a seeking spell to find a pure soul.
Long ago, I chose a champion. I chose recklessly, and he used his power for revenge. Millions of lives were lost. Entire civilizations erased from existence.
~ Shazam on Anubis.
Say my name so my powers may flow through you. I open my heart to you, and in so doing, choose you as champions.
~ Shazam to the PAW Patrol.
My magic must be passed on. Now speak my name!
~ Shazam instructing the PAW Patrol to say his name.
My name is... Shazam.
~ Shazam introducing himself to the PAW Patrol.
YES! Carry my name and with it, you carry all my powers. The wisdom of Solomon! The strength of Hercules! The stamina of Atlas! The power of Zeus! The courage of Achilles! And the speed of Mercury!
~ Shazam bestowing his powers on the PAW Patrol.

